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Everything posted by kevbone

  1. Thanks, I knew it had something to do with finger!
  2. Now that’s funny. Just like your log in name smalldick was it? you just got smacked down by someone with less than 30 posts. don't even try. just put that tail between your legs and go back to the lunchline with your friends. maybe the lunch lady will give you an extra carton of milk if you tell her the big kids have been mean to you today. Yeah Ok! the amount of posts has nothing to do with it. Although, getting an extra carton of milk is great. Can you email it to me?
  3. Well Said! Woops, i capitalized both words. oh no! What TO dO!!@#$%@^%
  4. [quote Was a high school standard of composition too much to ask? Yes
  5. Best climb in gorge, regardless of grade. 10.b to the right of On the Road. 4 star climb. the name is escaping me.
  6. Ok comamder, ill STFU. Yesir masser. When you say jump, ill say how hi? OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, OK,
  7. Now that’s funny. Just like your log in name smalldick was it? Step away from the keyboard Caddis Practice what you preach, broham. You don’t exactly have the wittiest posts yourself.
  8. Now that’s funny. Just like your log in name smalldick was it?
  9. Worst sentence ever? Inconceivable! the grammar, punctuation and spelling errors in that monstrosity may even put muffy to shame Is spelling perfect and having perfect grammar a requirement on this site? Apparently! Sorry for not being perfect, that would explain why I have not been invited into the hierarchy of CC.com posters
  10. Your usually quick and whitty , but that comment was stupid, but nice try RU.
  11. Anybody hear on this page (RuMR) actually know JH? Ever met him? Or are you just being a trolling bitch????
  12. kevbone

    We're Number 17!

    He was trying to figure out what knot and where to tie it on her... you would not what to do with her even if she showed you. i don't KNOW what you are trying to say? Nor do I.
  13. kevbone

    We're Number 17!

    He was trying to figure out what knot and where to tie it on her... you would not what to do with her even if she showed you.
  14. there is no chop in Aikido. ignoramus. Dude, i climb and play music, how am I supposed to know that.
  15. I was going to reply, but was beaten to the punch, I was under JH as he was doing his (puking) move on sat. He did not even whimper one bit. Congrats. my advise from someone who has climbed for 10 years. Always try to lead EVERTHING. Its the only real climbing. toproping is fun when you have a lot of weed. but try to always lead. It will alway treat you the same.
  16. Sometimes the most Zen thing to do is to keep on walking. They weren't worth my time. Although they definitely were On Deadly Ground. As for your presumptuous drivel, Slothrop- I was in the right fucking lane. How wrong of you to side with the bad guys. Now bow to Sensei!!
  17. Why didnt you get out and give them the Jujitso chop or something. You know, you hard to kill. And you are above the law.
  18. I will admit Stevensegall, you are very funny with your post about how dangerous you are and all that talk, I am actually laughing!!!!
  19. You all suck: Meaning we all are desk jockies or self-employed, which is why the active topic’s goes down to about 25 posts over the weekend, then back up the 85 for the week. Folks generally don’t post on the weekend, because we have better things to do. Like climbing or drinking beer on our decks while BBQing. We all sit at our desks/cubicles, and troll around on this site (when we should be working) for one reason. We all have or had something in common. We are or want to be climbers. For that reason, I give the respect to all. This is the reason, I can get bashed and it does not bother me. For in the end, it’s not real. Ericb. Just let the record show, I try to say stupid shit, just to get a response. Why? Because that is entertaining to me. Just like sitting on your plunger in your bathroom and masturbating is entertaining to you. So rip away, I have grown thick skin being on this forum and names will never hurt me.
  20. 'cept the anus Kevbone plopped from.
  21. So whens the show going to start gimp? Now, BOO!
  22. Thats what I am hear for, your entertainment.
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