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Everything posted by kevbone

  1. Sorry you hade to bivy on the route, great story though.
  2. "First of all, I've never drilled a bolt in my life" nuf said. Get off the thread.
  3. Your going to have to be more specific.
  4. I will say this: Ground up bolting is definitely bolder than rap bolting. But bolder is not always better. Injuries happen on both styles of climbing. I was merely stating, I have had more fun (this is the only reason for climbing, in my book) on a rap bolted climb than one that was put up on lead.
  5. "that was what your whole point of this stupid thread was about right? " Yes
  6. “You can be assured of doing so if you are in touch with your own capabilities, which you clearly are not, since you evidenltly tackle projects over your head and then claim your tactics used were necessary because it was 'too dangerous'. For who? YOU. Bachar's routes have stood the test of time as one man's expression of route creation reflecting the ability of the climber, and not the fear and lack of ability. Nobody has gone back to rap bolt them because the route was unsafe for them, the routes just get climbed only by those competent to do so. Kurt Albert puts bolts right next to cracks on mountain routes in Patagonia and elsewhere justifying it by saying he "wants to create a repeatable route for everyone else" by diminishing the amount of gear necessary. Well, thanks but no thanks, I'll be the judge of what I need. Thank you for predetermining the adventure for the rest of us. If it's too much, well then I guess I'll find something that is within my abilities, not drag it down to my level to fulfill my ego trip.” SS, once again you have confirmed my suspicion, you are a tool. And have a huuuugggeeee ego! This thread is about rap vs ground up. Who the hell mentioned retroing the BY route. I don’t want that. Do you? Man, everyone always references this climb, the same folks who bitch about it, will NEVER climb it. Including me! I don’t care what happens to a climb I will never see or climb. Tackle projects over my head. Bullshit. I would like to see you lead ground up on one of my routes of my choice and watch you bolt it on lead, that would be entertainment. I think we agree on a lot of things, this Kurt albert dude is a tool also. Do you think I agree with this way of putting routes up? I don’t!
  7. Should the bachar-yerian get retroed? What a dumb question. First accents are coveted, broham. No, never touch another persons artwork, no matter how much of a bad job they did. Alot of the climbs out there scare me, and like I said I am a whimp most of the time, so I move on and dont climb them!
  8. Stevo, your using the same old argument and I call your bullshit, You are a tool. I dont want a guarantee for saftey, but I want my chances to be great, not just good, but great that I will climb the next day and on and on and on. Oh yeah on other thing, this may be a sport to you. But its a way of like for me.
  9. I agree Bill, but in the need for putting bolts in, would you perfer they were done on lead or rap? And I know you have place bolts before.
  10. Do you think GI JOE bolts top down or ground up?
  11. You dont have to join in on the discusion! This is a valid discusion on a valid board. If you dont like it, dont climb it.
  12. Folks who want to climb ground up scary climbs. Go to jtree!
  13. I would say after 10 years of climbing. The most fun I have had is on a rapbolted route. They both have there place in time, but rap bolted climbs are generally safer. I know call me a wimp, but the reality its, if you fall on a run out climb and get hurt, and don’t climb for 6 months, that’s exactly it, YOU DON’T CLIMB FOR 6 MONTHS. All because you wanted to be bold. I don’t agree with this. So I have chosen to rap bolt all the climbs I put up.
  14. I will have to agree with my crappy actor/fake martial arts/bad guitar playing/hiding behind computer seagal dude, that yes, every thread you pull out of your butt, smells like shit.
  15. Pros and cons for either? Let the arguing begin!
  16. I will have to agree with my anonymous fake friend, this thread has drifted to oblivion. Its completely worthless. Try starting a thread about morals and ethic of bolting. Let the arguing begin.
  17. "I wonder if Kev's head would pop off if we jammed it in a crack and fell on him." Thats funny too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. No I dont feel superior. I am looking to climb alot less soon because of family myself. I have been hot headed on this site just like you have been. And for that I get slammed, just like you. I have an opinion about alot of stuff I know nothing about. Its cool man. Sorry for being a wank (thanks minx for the vocab change)
  19. DH, it went great. Im sore as hell, for it was truly off the couch. Great views, easy climb 9 hours car to car. I have never been on the Mt loop road before.
  20. Your funny bill! Heading out to jimmy cliff on Friday after 1 if your interested.
  21. Thanks minx. I choose not to spell/make sence/be sensible on this site because of the obvious!
  22. Thats what I thought! Never answering the question. Beacause you would look stupid. Once again, you ever climb at smith?
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