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Everything posted by underworld

  1. yeah yeah... i've used both (cd from best buy sorta thing)... but don't know the difference. both have been easy enough to use.
  2. you mean, the wrong place at the right time
  3. ok... for the alligator clips attached to his taun-taun's ta-tas
  4. whattabout the guest tauntaun program?
  5. i second the whitehorse glacier route. pretty awesome views and steep snow from the car to the top. don't go if avy conditions are anything less than perfect tho.
  6. Trip: Index - UTW - Green Drag-On (errr... Drip-On) Date: 2/17/2007 Trip Report: So seeing that the forecast for saturday was a little promising, counterfeitfake and i had planned on heading to index and see if we could 1-day green drag-on. we had climbed the upper wall (town crier) before in a more relaxed 2-day fashion, so for this we decided to try and short fix and lead in 2 pitch blocks. as saturday got closer the forecast showed some signs of slight deteriorationing but we were committed. the seed was planted - and all that could blossom was an epic tree. A 4am wake up and i was picking up CFF at 4:30, even ministry blasting was having a hard time motivating at this hour. we sort gear in the dark in the parking lot and are on the trail by 6am. the last time i was on this approach was for the 2 dayer w/ a pig and a ton of water, so my memories were no-to-fond. for this, however, we had lightened up significantly and we carried one pack and wore the rack, all our gear and food. the pack had a tagline, belay jacket, water and the blaster. the approach really isn't that bad when you aren't carrying 70lbs. we get to the base of the wall just as it starts to get light. it was a haunting sight - with the fog, the patches of snow and the sounds of dripping all around. all this dripping can mean one thing - the wall is wet. we planned on the 5.9 davis-holland 1st pitch and stuck with that plan...just aided it since it was total slime fest and we are wanker free climbers. I had P1, 2 and 5. CFF had P2 and 3. I'll only speak for my pitches. P1 - the crux of the day for me was aiding 4th class up to the 1st anchor on a 3-lobed camalot... i HATE 4th class slime!! P2 - we didn't have a topo with us and there is a beautiful crack that looks soo easy but dead ends at a roof. luckily i didn't not take that, and took the thin one to the left. (will that crack to the right link you to town crier?) cam-hooks rock this pitch P5 - clouds are rolling in, but we are on a decent pace. it's 3:30ish and we've got time to keep going. in the mindset to HURRY, i get up to the belay atop pitch 4 and see a bolt ladder up from it. forgetting, some beta i had got from another friend of a 'burly traverse'....i hand off the pack and figure i've got enough rack from cleaning to finish'er off. bolt ladder, fixed head, flaring dirty garden crack...WHAT? i realize that i only had about 4 nuts on my rack and a handfull of zeros, a couple c4's and 2 ballnutz. "my nuts are useless" i yell. but, in the effort to go fast, i do not ask to have rack tagged up and try and get by. back cleaning and cursing the traverse, i know i'm doing my follower no favors here. turn the corner and free up the slimey gulley with a hollow flake and a ballnut for protection - i make it to the anchor. having done the top-out 4th class pitch before...that pitch was created by god to prove the existence of the devil. we DO NOT want to do it again, much less in the dark (oh yeah, it's dark by now). so we rap the route. (thanks to a prior TR, we know the dripp. rap to #4, then #2 then the ground. 12hours on the wall and the rain starts as we hit the ground. yesssss. off to ixtapa for some mexican food was a great day, the weather was awesome all day...till it got dark. most of the cracks were wet and the belay under the roof was drippy and cold. Gear Notes: Doubles camalots to #3 + #4 and #5 Zeros Aliens hooks 4L water cliffbar shotblocks 2 ropes ghetto blaster headlamps Approach Notes: trail
  7. "stupid flanders, you're a genius"
  8. underworld


    I can't stop listening to MINISTRY ...i'm on like a 3 day bender of only MINISTRY suggestions for a recovery plan? skull skull skull skull skull skull
  9. sure... just seemed that you were avoiding responding to it and hiding behind the 'no ref.' defense. whatev, i'm out of the loop now anyway what page of the thread decided if god existed or not?
  10. will references change the way you read and/or understand the posts?
  11. holy crap... gone for 2 hours and missed 4 pages of posts. read most of it, but too far behind to contribute now. good thread!
  12. kids are also hearing stories of harry potter and other 'magical' things. do those books skrew em up just as much? is it the story (or the story teller's) fault that your kid is confused? the "your mom is going to hell" stuff is way out of line. take it up with the school, not with christianity.
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