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Everything posted by underworld

  1. underworld

    winter crap

    i think i have the norwalk virus what are the symtoms? other than the trots??
  2. seems like a chicken and egg situation to me.... pick your side and stick with it tho, eh
  3. of course WE are provoking the war. what would another country have to do, in your eyes, to be provoking a war
  4. not to mention all car drivers....
  5. i'm truly interested in this 'good reason'.... hello???
  6. reason over ridicule. i think ridicule is only ever needed when one doesn't have a firm grasp of one's own understanding. ...says the ridicule'er
  7. SC... some people see everything around them as proof of god (or a god) you believe (without seeing it), i imagine...that there was some big bang or some other scientific explaination for the creation of what is around them. others, while they might believe there is some scientific explainiation for the creation of all that is around them - also believe there is a higher power (god) that had a hand in it all too. it's all a choice in what you consider to be "proof"
  8. no, it looks like they have it pretty nailed down.... 2000000000 years old. now, is that 1 significant digit or 10?
  9. here we go.... minimum wage
  10. might be tuff to watch - you know...with sand in our eyes and all
  11. make up your mind - either bush is an idiot who can't spell, read, speak or tie his own shoes.... or he's got some master world plan... a plan that you seem to spend a good amount of time trying to anaylize
  12. it relates because it is bush's fault
  13. from what i've heard - it sounded like 15 of the 20 thousand troops were going to baghdad and that would be doubling the troops there. if this is the case - it is more than a 'modest increase'
  14. underworld

    Foto Caption Fun!

    good hand-eye coordination
  15. i was asking a SPECIFIC person to IMAGINE having grown up in a different set of circumstances, and asked them if they could in any possible way see themselves having a different set of beliefs if they had been exposed to a different set of circumstances; is this question really that hard to understand? it was a question meant as an attempt to reveal the potentially nebulous nature of political beliefs- how those beliefs CAN be the result of simple circumstance. do you not see this, or perhaps not agree? couldn't agree more!
  16. geezz.. have a ruff commute home? well you were asking an opinion/speculation of someone that, i am assuming, hasn't been there and might not know anyone there. just wondering why you were asking for the speculation.
  17. because you are the dominant poster
  18. underworld


    bo jackson pitch right - couldn't be stopped!
  19. underworld

    Foto Caption Fun!

    I'm not sure presenting your ass to the enemy sends the right message. it's chemical warfare - they are about to blue-flame the enemy
  20. underworld

    Foto Caption Fun!

    - 1 extra long 1" tied runner
  21. so you would rather have speculation than second hand story. makes sense - you can argue w/ speculation
  22. underworld

    best of 2006

    the best of 2006 is the of 2006 having the most fun
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