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Everything posted by underworld

  1. an inconvenient goof
  2. it was a curiosity question... to see what things fall under safety, access, ethics, entitlement, etc... all of the above are gray areas if you ask me.
  3. cc.com spray: 101 ways to say "i know you are but what am i", but with big words
  4. well, the poor should just go buy a prius. then they would spend less on gas. simple!
  5. underworld

    Define please

    pitches aint shit but hoes and tricks
  6. i don't mean to start up a bolting thing again and i don't even know who the militant anti-bolters are on this site... but i'd be curious to know what they (and others) think about big cleaning efforts like this. pulling off loose blocks permanently changes the rock and is done to make things safe for climbers, right? all done by the judgement of some individuals. how different is this than bolting a route? just a thought??
  7. what about videos of a 1st ascent of an unclimbed peak... and they are shooting down at the climbers. wtf?
  8. underworld


    the government ...efficient????
  9. he was talking about bush's motives (speculation)... not what actually happened. also, i was talking about his (and other's) attitude in general...
  10. right.. who could EVVVVEERRRRRR have a different opinion than yours. aside from the seriously under-educated. duh
  11. were you just as upset for all of these?
  12. so is this route hot or not? saw a topo and it looked good. then saw this thread. worth it? thx
  13. you mean voting with your money works??? no way. gotta regulate!
  14. what do they do with the stuff they filter out of it?
  15. Another fiction.... even .5% is an "astonishingly high percentage" for that lunacy...
  16. how 'bout that fairness doctrine BS... must...regulate...airwaves....
  17. i was replying to the statment that the supreme court couldn't be unbiased. all of the branches have their biases... this was understood when the idea of checks and balances was installed.
  18. none of the branches can... and we are back to "checks and balances"
  19. Bork can't hold a tune. it sounds like she is singing while her leg is caught in a bear trap...
  20. so let's list the things that AREN'T stated in the constitution... abortion??? gay marriage?? etc.... oh wait - it's open to interpretation, eh?
  21. two intros to the same news story.... if you ask me - the different news outlets should stop pretending they aren't biased. everyone knows which outlets lean which way. if only the editors would just admit it. AFP: Washtimes:
  22. Torelli Spada frame: aluminum 57 tt 58 st Reynolds Ouzo pro full carbon fork includes chorus bottom bracket and headset.. $450
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