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Everything posted by underworld

  1. underworld

    Summer Job

    sick good or sick bad?
  2. wrenched bicycle, rode bicycle...bout to wrench motorcycle :[]
  3. underworld


    well...i learned english as fast as i could
  4. underworld


    i'm sure it is more thatn 'white americans' plenty of 'other color' americans paid thier dues and got here legally and probably don't like the illegals getting the free pass.
  5. and brazillian beach volleyballerz!
  6. underworld


    and i'm not so much advocating...as i am asking how it makes sense.
  7. underworld


    no...but they are saying that the locals can't enforce it
  8. underworld


    the feds are saying "you can't make laws against these people" even tho they are already illegal per the federal law.
  9. underworld


    if the feds are already calling them illegal...how can they prevent locals from calling them illegal too?
  10. underworld


    then wouldn't feds be fining them?
  11. underworld


    what's the justification here? confused so call them illegal, but don't do anything about it.
  12. if there are crazy drunks trying to kill you...just try and reason with them. try to understand where they are coming from. sarcastic wingnut
  13. underworld

    Tour news

    DAAMMMMIT!!!! :mad: :mad: i knew i shouldn't have clicked on it... i shouldn't know this till midnight tonight!
  14. Wouldn't that make the median more like $75,000? How much less than $50K are they talking? even at the 14.50 mentioned for 32 hour weeks comes to more than 50K a year. 14.5 $/hour * 32 hours/week * 52 weeks/year = 24,128 $/year did i miss something?
  15. NO, DON'T HIJACK MY THREAD AND MAKE IT POLITICAL!!! sorry... does this help?
  16. her wife/partner is running for prez!
  17. doh.. i thought this thread was going to be about elizabeth edwards giving up tangerines to save the glaciers
  18. people chest beat about 'attempting' a hard climb
  19. a pic of his wife doing lines off of his girlfriend in a pickup truck
  20. will the girlfriend hit on the wife? pics?
  21. trials riders get pissed when associated with BMX. most bmx'ers have no clue how to do that stuff.
  22. a good subaru service in seattle is in lynnwood. sunshine automotive not a subaru only place, but honest and good work!
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