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Everything posted by Couloir

  1. Couloir

    Ginger or Mary Ann?

    Mrs. Howell...G-MILF.
  2. Well, if it's egg salad you're talking about, you can just wait for that baggy to thaw and then poor it out on them while their sleeping.
  3. Yes. And I would also suggest that it's the CV. I've had several replaced over the years on different cars/pick-ups.
  4. Couloir

    Sexy Time!

    After the sadness wears off my guess is that she'll be seething inside. At that point, it would very much suck to be him.
  5. Couloir

    Sexy Time!

    I keep picturing his poor wife up there next to him. She could only look down at the statement he was reading. She must have felt horrible.
  6. Couloir

    Sexy Time!

    What pray tell is the "legal prostitution thing?" Buying a gal dinner and getting some at the end of the evening?
  7. Couloir

    Sexy Time!

    If it were legal, and you went to one, should your wife get her head out of her ass and be ok with it? We're talking about deception here and ethical issues, not whether it should be legal or not.
  8. Wouldn't "assed" chaps simply be...pants?
  9. Some more insight into this and Senator Coburn . I suppose $11 million is a lot of money. I wonder what his take is on the $12 billion per month we're spending in Iraq. Isn't that "government spending itself into ruin?" I like the principle of his stance in general, but there are so many other much bigger issues than this to make your point on.
  10. The green line is the main Reid Headwall route. What is it like #14 in Oregon High? Above it there are a couple of variations still. Leuthold's is definitely to the left more and in fact has only one hourglass.
  11. I'll be doing that anyway. I agree about setting a date. Snow is the variable right now. I like July, but it may be late August if the melt takes its time. Perhaps we should take this off line and stay in touch that way. But I'm certainly not adverse to more spray in this slot.
  12. This is a worthy endeavor Panos. Good luck with it. Here is a TR from TAY. Let us know how it goes!
  13. I've seen the video and if it is like it appears, I think his days are numbered. However, the puppy seems almost lifeless (could be because he being held by the scruff of the neck) and the "yelping" almost appears dubbed in. Snopes is undecided at this point.
  14. mmmmmmmm... Go Brown!!!1 Oh, she's going brown alright!
  15. Oh, and by the way Jim, you have a beautiful cock...I've never seen one...so........big. Have you been properly introduced to, The Rooster?
  16. Nice shot Jim. Were you doing a fly-by in your private jet when you shot this? I'd say both gullies are in. A little cooler in the forecast would be nice, but a really early start could compensate for that over the next several days.
  17. Never. Until this whole thing came up. And I still don't. I liked K-cubed's comment about following the yellow-highlighted icons. Seems simple enough to me.
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