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Everything posted by Dechristo

  1. Dechristo

    Oh, bother

    Paul Winchell was a hoot.
  2. In the shadow of a great tower.
  3. Do you remember Chaps writing this?:
  4. Dechristo

    Bear v Shark

    looks more like a wolvmarine
  5. Dechristo

    Bear v Shark

    The Chinese discovered no shortcut in cloning snaffles.
  6. Indeed, it is the perfect bathroom material: soft, strong, and highly absorbing. You're referring, of course, to the quilted two-ply edition.
  7. AlpineK, you told me a less abbreviated version of the above exchange: Clerk: That'll be $(x); do you have an REI # Me: Here's the money; no I don't have a membership. Clerk: You know you save every time you shop here as a member. Me: Yes I know that. Clerk: Well do you want an REI membership. Me: No thank you. Clerk: Do you do a lot of stuff in the outdoors. Me: Yes Clerk: Well you really should become a member; think how much you'll save. Me: Listen, you fucking maggot... I've got a membership hangin', so instead of me tellin' you to shove your membership up your ass, I'm tellin' you I'm gonna shove this membership up your ass (at this point, AlpineK unzipped and exposed himself) unless you shut the fuck up and give me my change so I can get out of this fucking sleazy outdoor schlock whorehouse. Clerk: Well I guess I deserved that.
  8. Shit! There's at least ten barrels of crude posted on this website every day. Somebody's makin' bank here.
  9. How much is the bump?
  10. You forgot "apprentice crack ho"
  11. Chaps, also, realize holding fast to "nice" may leave you bitter and judgemental; gratitude can be unassailable.
  12. The modern ditch-digger.
  13. Damn! That impersonation is almost as good as Dana Carvey's.
  14. I guess that's Anker's experience, too.
  15. Chaps, baby... you've got to tie it together better. If you're gonna be contrived, you'll need to be more imaginative. The "credible claim" part is pretty weak, but, you could make something better of it. I wrote: "I imagine used adult diapers are truly sick." Now, THERE is something you could really use... Attack me for imagining used adult diapers. Something like: "What do you need to imagine for? Just look down between your legs at the pile you've been sitting in for the last four hours." Our patience is wearing thin of your weak spray; if you don't get stronger, you may need to go back to the persona of Buffoon from Bemidji. Practice your spray privately.
  16. Yeah, his statement seemed a bit of hyperbole to me... ...it would seem the metal would be too soft and easy to dull if it were so pliable.
  17. Nice photos.
  18. Bill, is your last name Lebowski actually? You seem to be handling the four break-ins with aplomb and grace... don't know what I'd do iffen I was in your shoes... maybe go postal.
  19. Sounds like a credible claim, to me. I imagine used adult diapers are truly sick.
  20. I have an acquaintance who is one of those high-profile "professional climbers"; he uses Quarks for everything from the Himalaya to the Ouray Ice Park. He claims the picks will bend, but not break (he was cranking on the pick in a rock crack at the time). How much truth to this?
  21. Chaps, be thankful you're a summit and not a plummet. Gratitude, Chaps, is your answer... not sycophantics.
  22. That machine is for making Pena Colonics... Chaps'll snap that baby up; he loves dem Pena Colonics!
  23. Mount Chap'sbatscat
  24. Chaps qualifies as a summit of guano.
  25. Dechristo


    Ted Williams musta thought he was an amphibian.
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