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Everything posted by Kevin_Matlock

  1. looks fun timmy! always gotta love the TRs that need a decoder ring to understand, yo worrrrrd. fuckin makes me feel old.
  2. What gives on super-feet? Everybody talks them up so much, and I have to admit they are the only insole that I can get away with WITHOUT needing my orthodics. What makes them work so freaking well.... they basically look like anything else and I can't see the magic pixie dust applied to them to make them tick.
  3. last night was week 2. gotta say Gent is a really nice dude and some of his tips are pretty slick; should make aid damn near tollerable with some more practice. just wondering if any other CC'er is attending these sessions? I haven't seen the secret CC.com handshake used by anyone there so I assume not.
  4. WHAT? Sounds like deceptive advertising to me. Buyer beware I guess. Shoulda done more homework.
  5. Now isn't that a good god damn question!?!? Didn't think of it that way, figured it was it's max impact strength as with biners/pro. I aint taking this fucker up to do any top roping, that's fer sure.... pretty much just a 'peice of mind' on steep slopes as a backup for self arrests. Any verticle, high fall potential and this thing is staying at home!
  6. The other night at the evil empire I was all set to pickup a 30M Beal Rando for glacier/not-so-technical routes. Instead I found a 30M Edelweiss Discover for only $10 more; both are 30M 8mm twin ropes. The Edelweiss is rated for 14 falls at 9kn, the Beal only 5 at 4.2kn. Yeah, the Edelweiss is a little heavier, and it has a 7.6% elongation (versus 10% for the Beal), but this seems like a lopsided match-up. Is the Edelweiss Discover that much better than the Rando for only $10 more? Sure hope so since that's the one I bought.
  7. No real threats on the top of the ridge around 9500; just before you start on the flanks of crater rock.
  8. Don't think so, but we were up there this past weekend and the west crater looked like it recently slabbed off... so I wouldn't trudge up that way if I were you.
  9. REI Taku are pretty nice; I love mine.
  10. Saw this when he did the Salem school gig. I give it two Everybody should go check it out.
  11. There aren't any poles up to the summit, but rather around the moutain (the Loowit trail). It's easier than hood but you should have at least some very basic route finding skills. You might want to go with a friend who's done it before so you aren't a CNN story; just my advice since you are brand new. If you do south sister in the summer you will see the trail leading to the top.... just follow the other 500 people walking up the side. It's totally obvious. Do a search in the newbie forum for more general tips, pick up a copy of Freedom of the Hills, etc etc etc.
  12. passing throught the gorge yesterday.... mostly looked like some mighty thin shit. might be a couple of things thick enough but most look desperate.
  13. Is there going to be a max # of peeps? I'd hate to sign up and have 50 sign up.... all jocking for time trying to get in the aiders.
  14. Well, me and another guy have been talking about making a run up WCR, Wyest, or the chutes in the next few weeks... just wanted to hit it at some other time of year other than the typical (for me) spring ascent. A third would be fine by me if you wanted to crank up the difficulty level by throwing in the winter factor. I've been up hood several times, but don't consider myself "mentor level"; but you'd be free to glean whatever knowledge you wanted from me. Guess the idea of Leuthold sparked my interest, so I figured I'd ask. PM me if you're interested in joining our rope.
  15. Sounds interesting. Just wondering about the dates indicated in your post... these don't match what their website says. Have you been in touch with them and the dates/Leuthold's was the agreed upon deal? And... how many people do they take up at a time? (one last thought.... this isn't exactly a newbie route from what I've heard)
  16. Nice! Can't go wrong with helmet instructions like the following, either.
  17. This is pretty cool. Can't imagine that this hasn't already been covered, but couldn't find it posted in any other thread, so..... http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3620219244188425073&q=%22will+gadd%22&hl=en
  18. Good info. Wonder what he made his pot insulator out of? Almost looks like 12oz soda cans! Interesting.
  19. Kevin_Matlock


    i like them both. they could just go out on tour with both Zach and Chris. then maybe after 4 hours on stage morello would be so exhausted he'd shut up with all the politics already!!!!! seen slave twice; little bummed that they have (apparenly?) broke up.
  20. That's for sure. Seem to recall reading/hearing/seeing someone mark the area with (amoung other things like crossed skis) a packet of red koolaid. Seems to make since since (1) it's cheap, (2) fairly permanent in the snow, (3) doesn't hurt anything, (4) you can leave it marked when you take off.
  21. i'd watch it.... if for no other reason than to see someone plunge a tool in the head of that dipshit bear grylls!
  22. Seems like a bitch when it's time to pull the rope!
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