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Everything posted by kenp

  1. Lake Cassidy gave up a 3 pound bass to me last Tuesday. White soft minnow thrown under a dock
  2. gate is wide open at Deer creek, no snow on Perry Creek road all the way to the TH.
  3. looking at the green book last night, I am thinking of heading up not this but next weekend. please post a TR if you go...I am looking at the snow gulch/lone tree pass route
  4. needed: rock shoes, size 2-3, also kids helmet
  5. I think sport climbing is sounding better all the time!
  6. is this area patrolled by the county? I am not a sporter so haven't visited the area. I know that a typical TH is a magnet for low life sob's that find easy booty. Everyone has heard it before...never leave good shit in your car! I have a habit of bringing every piece of gear with me, at the TH I sort through the stuff I really need. I put everything left over in a duffel and stash it in the trees near-by, luckily it's never been found. but also, I've never had a broken window or stuff ripped off from my car. I assumed that these focking thieves were working at night but sounds like they are keeping day time hours too.
  7. I second the midway comment. Wuz just talking to my brother on Saturday about how much that route has changed. First time I climbed it was in converse low tops and still pounding z-pins. 30 years have gone by, I'm still here but have abanded the iron
  8. pm sent
  9. kenp

    Masticated Gear

    My friend and hiking mate 'Ringo' nearly chewed through the waist belt on my rucksac, that wasn't so bad but he also pissed on it. What's worse the wife said I DESERVED it cuz I left the smelly thing by the front door (where I dropped it two days prior) so what did I expect? Now I know she was a wee bit miffed that I was a few measly hours late...I explained that I simply couldn't meet the turn-a-round time, the summit was right there! well anyway, if you see a Lowe pack listed in the yard sale...it isn't the same one...
  10. yo right, eight years old. boy, so anything camo would be schweet
  11. looking for rock shoes & helmet for 8 yo
  12. I lost a rucksac on the second Couloir in a rock fall accident, you didn't happen to see it? probably not, it was back in '74 but I keep dreaming of getting it back. very nice work, congrats!
  13. PM sent for harness
  14. $15.86...only cuz the wife bought me an ax for christmas. think I'll pick up a pair of socks and a new piss bottle
  15. kenp


    and why is this years models so forking much more than last years? WTF??
  16. pm sent, blue water harness & or either helmet
  17. and what about the hidden video recorder in the dressing room???
  18. http://www.nfl.com/help/emailtech a website to log your favorite complaint about the officials and how the game was called. I agree that the hawks missed several opportunities to actually win but from my arm chair position, they didn't get the fair calls
  19. 'C' crack on Orchard Rock. well that what it looked like the first time I climbed it
  20. pm sent on sherpa's
  21. kenp

    aluminum crampons?

    I've used Stubai's for the past 3 years on easier snow climbs, mostly up the Mountain Loop Hwy area. I have had no issues with them at all, they fit tight enough on heavy hiking boots, the strap is holding up well and I was a bit concerend about the plastic toe/heel piece but that isn't showing much wear at all. They truly are about the dullest things out there though. I too take them off prior to rock scrambling. One advantage is they are fast & easy to put back on. Stubai's =
  22. TNF - large 10oz goose down, snap on hood. old but well loved...in it's day
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