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Everything posted by kenp

  1. hey thanks couloir & sobo, I didn't jug on the rope but I thought it looked like it would bite good enough. I don't mind the extra weight of the jumar versus a prusik, and the handle makes for a much easier extraction out of a hole.
  2. how about using jumars on a 8mm rope? I know they suggest a minimum diameter but I don't remember. I carried them last year and the question came up, was planning on using them again this year
  3. if you take two days, hike past the hogsback and camp under the buttes. it's level and you get a head start to any camping below. watch your step however...not everyone is potty trained
  4. kenp


    I used dish soap and warm water in the tub, soaked for a couple of hours then air dried out side for a couple of days. It is soooo much better. The foam still has a funk to it and the DWR was not damaged as far as I can tell. I am pretty sure it will be usable once again.
  5. kenp


    I'm sending my pack (with a skunk) to Khazakstan
  6. kenp


    you must have missed the "I'm a cheap bastard' part. Although bourbon is a nasty subsitute for something decent like Jack Daniels, I'd rather drink it than wash shit with it
  7. kenp


    thank you master oly , you're wisdom has shown me the true path to a stink free pack
  8. kenp


    beings I'm a cheap bastard, I think I'll try the dishsoap in the bathtub first., then if needed, buy some natures miracle or some other natural deordorizor. thanks for your tips, you guys are way to nice...makes me wonder, after all this is the spray forum! why aren't you out there climbing or something?
  9. kenp


    that I probably could live with!
  10. kenp


    no, I have not. that packs a might powerful punch... I thought about Borax or something neutral like that
  11. kenp


    I tried the frebreeze MM, didn't work. let's say the coating does come off, what would you suggest as a replacement: spray on or wash in? I used a wash in type on the above mentioned tent...I thought it worked fine but dumped that one shortly after and never put it to the test.
  12. kenp


    good idea, thanks mattp... I know exactly what it is...what I don't want to do is ruin the waterproof coating. I washed a tent years ago with regular detergent in the machine...took off every inch of the coating.
  13. kenp


    That is pretty close to what I had in mind. I thought about eating some asparagus, drinking coupus amounts of one of those high percent malts then pissing in a jar, let that stand a day or so on the deck then mix it with some patchouli oil and soak it in an airtight drum for a week
  14. kenp


    ok, here goes. I trade for a 'like new' pack. well it is in great condition but smells like the buttcan outside a AA meeting hall. what the hell can I wash it in to make it usable? I need your help o spray masters
  15. kenp


    I'm a little afraid...but WTF
  16. kenp


    I have a stink issue with a new pack. I just got this used pack and it has a horrible cigarette smell to it. I've tried frebreeze, dryer sheets and it's been hanging outside for over a week...little if any change. Anyone know what I can wash it in that won't peel off the water-proof finish?
  17. Bod still available?
  18. I'm interested in the bod harness. still have it?
  19. good for business... yeah?
  20. I will second the ear burn. second trip on Rainier I didn't goop enough on. after a couple of days I was ready to slice it off...I'm sure it would have been less painful. Last year on Baker I used one of those funny 'sun hats', boonie style, my god what a difference. I hope I never forget to take it with me again
  21. kenp

    Da vinci

    Yeah and what does he have under there?
  22. kenp

    Fred Pic

  23. kenp

    Fred Pic

    I have a copy...I can email it to you...
  24. pm for pack & shit
  25. new SUV, parked overnight at Perry Creek. I was the most worried ever coming out that I'd see broken glass. but I got lucky once again. yea for me!
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