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Everything posted by kix

  1. careful shorty, you are revealing the details of your fear threshold. 23 feet count?
  2. I appreciate your efforts Jonah and thanks for the update. there is so much rock to be found in the greater sky valley and elsewhere. perhaps this will be incentive for peeps to get out and explore, to discover more in the area. goldbar (zekes)is damn good, but it is not the end-all promised land. in fact the aesthetic and the locals have long been a turn-off for me, though I do still venture there occasionally to explore for new lines up in the woods. there is one hell of a lot of good rock there. but there is elsewhere too. Maybe peeps just need to be willing to hike a bit more. everyone just wants to roll up and boulder, a benefit for the most part that is due to the hard work of a very few people who actually put the effort in to explore, discover and work their asses off to clean and develop. I challenge anyone who reads Jonahs post and cries about the potential loss or the poor road condition to get out and explore and find their own area. whether or not you share is your call, but dont cry about potential limitations of an area that is private property to begin with and which is the fruit of labor of a small group of dedicated people. I swing a mean machete and I never run out of new boulders to climb.
  3. Yes -------------------------- Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld
  4. guidebooks are for sheep. say 'baaaa'.
  5. kix

    I need a beer.

    I picked a bad year to quit drinking. or a good one. whichever.
  6. that sounds like a very suspicious inquiry. were I a judge, I would issue a warrant to allow extensive surveilance of all your activities including all electronic traffic and personal contacts.
  7. whats wrong with an encrypted title for security reasons? there are people out there intent on doing harm.
  8. one crossed the path about 50 yards ahead of my wife, son and I several years ago while hiking at dusk, on cougar mtn of all places. go figure. used to see them fairly regularly in the santa monica and san gabriel mountains years ago when I lived in la la land. almost always at dawn or dusk. never been stalked to my knowledge, but I have had the hair on my neck stand up several times feeling almost certain that one was near. I would just begin yelling at the top of my lungs. it felt a little foolish, but not that foolish.
  9. kix

    Westport - Surfing

    scrub it.
  10. kix

    Westport - Surfing

    I believe I got tubed in the next section. so yeah, it sucked.
  11. kix

    Westport - Surfing

    kix doesn't surf, he's dead already real spray from a dead man. sukit.
  12. kix

    Westport - Surfing

    kooks. all of you.
  13. hope its hot enough for you.
  14. kix

    Check this out

    darn. you just missed out. I just made a monthly $10,000 donation to The People Fund. It works every day to bring food, clothes and shelter to a family of four in Bellevue. I cant say enough about it as I am both donor and recipient. its a very efficient organization where virtually every dollar donated goes to the family in need. top that.
  15. pffff I can crush all those kids. so they better not walk under me while i'm on the 45 wall.
  16. you have no idea whats really happening out there.
  17. I'm just saying that chasing away the guy with lunch at the ready seemed a bit hasty.
  18. I curious what the lunch fare was. if I was the one being rescued from an epic, I might like to be offered a sammich on the way down.
  19. no one rousts me from anywhere mid-sammich unless they can prove an immediate life or death sitaution.
  20. forgive my narrow appraisal of the situation. I've never really stopped to consider how non-Alpha's might handle things.
  21. a rope is a discriminatory prize.
  22. you were there. perhaps you could have told them. you were there. you could have asked them. just a logical observation.
  23. silly dabbers.
  24. kix


    as I was sayin in the other thread.
  25. kix

    Record rant

    I'm guessing you really look forward to high school reunions. get help here: www.livinginthepast.com (of course now you'll go remastering all your Tull albums)
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