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Everything posted by kix

  1. best bouldering in western wa is located between the two.
  2. ....thought I was in spray. not that I'm apologizing.
  3. ha. who even notices this stuff? let alone cares? who even reads those mags? no one there cares about the articles they are providing you. they are a vehicle for marketing to the masses. now all of ewe hold up your number. say baa.
  4. ...bouldering. even my caves are wet.
  5. I felt a great disturbance in the force. bet it didnt even have any moss on it.
  6. awesome. I always wanted a gym to feel that feels like an OSHO commune.
  7. by being anti china, you just contribute to there being more objectionable issues for you to be anti china about. Focus your thoughts, visions and prayers on positive outcomes for all tibetans and chinese and that is what you will contribute to bringing about. By drawing attention and focusing thought on all the negative, you reinforce it. better to be positive for change than negative about what is. I am optimistic that you will learn that speaking up can lead indirectly to the endorsement you so fear. Bring your message, but learn to direct the resulting action to be one of positive thought, not more negative.
  8. I made it all the way to the crux hold at the lip of a nice 15 foot high overhanging 45 degree wall. but I had to go pick up the kids so I let go, hiked to the jeep and drove off the mtn. to get them. another extreme fatherhood weekend.
  9. please keep this thread on topic: the shower at redmond VW.
  10. too much spray? what exactly was your intent with that post to begin with? just stopped in to call people clueless dipshits as way of being a respectable contributor? and then to back down immediately with out a fight? sheesh. give us something to work with here.
  11. 'OMG, I went to disneyland this past weekend and it was crowded with tourists! how can this happen to someone as capable as me?' thanks for the trip report. nice to see good planning paying off.
  12. Lori Olson made the mistake of asking for a divorce while climbing with her husband at that spot in 92.
  13. introspection and personal growth are great things in real life. however, on the internet, it just shows that you are weak.
  14. peeps at the senior daycare place are a bit uptight and they only like to give the one sponge bath per day.
  15. I'm just bitter because I have not gotten off my ass to build my own in the garage. across the ceiling naturally.
  16. you could water half the orchards in the state with all those jugs after a little rain.
  17. vertical is the new 4th class.
  18. it would be nice if he at least replaced the shower lost in the Redmond remodel before buying other gyms. Please offer membership reductions until this is resolved. Take care of your existing membership before taking on more.
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