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Everything posted by corvallisclimb

  1. man i can never sell anything on this site. is 50 dollars shipped for a brand new helmet too much when msrp is 69 or some such? wazzup, this helmet would be good for dudes with pony tails as well!
  2. hey thats cool, i hung on the route to when i did it too
  3. Could we get this moved into a Mt. Hood fourm... pleaseee! I will donate $20 to the site if it happens!
  4. Bryan, bailing on me in front of my eyes!!! hahaah jk weather looks like crap anyways
  5. Hell just reistablish the old bolt ladder that went up Chopper originally
  6. Chopper is a classic, a must do if your up there looking for that stuff. Thrasher has never had a second ascent. So.... D.A.R. crack has some shit rock and crap pro for the first 40', what a bold free ascent for its time, but hey it was Jeff so. Sunjammer next door however climbs some quality stone, has some nice moves on it and protects perfectly. While you are up there the ridge traverse or what ever it is called on Juniper Spire is quite fun and you rap down the product side wich is pretty cool.
  7. Nice! What are the ratings of the climbs pictured? I must go climb there sometime soon, hell even my mom has climbed there!
  8. Kirk... that picture is of Thrasher, 5.8 A2 FA Jeff Thomas. Chopper is a little down hill to the left. Was just up there yesterday but off the top of my head the best trad routes up on Staender are... Scoop Route 5.4 Indepedence Tower 5.5 Juniper Snag 5.6 Defication Crack 5.7 Bump and Grind 5.7 (basically a solo the first 60' but soo fun!) Chopper 5.8 Peanuts 5.8 Free Spirit 5.8 Lost Fox 5.9 variation start to Defication Crack 5.9 Desideratta 5.9 (one of the best 5.9s in the park) that should keep your rack busy for a day
  9. Light blue, one size only, still a little bit to big for my small gf. $50 brand new w tags n such. Pics if needed.
  10. Smith Rock Angel Flight Buttress - Original Route 3 Lead Bolts 2 Anchor Bolts Angel Flight Buttress - High Sage 2 Anchor Bolts Angel Flight Buttress - Follies of Youth 2 Lead Bolts Angel Flight Buttress - Youthfull Indescretion 2 Anchors Bolts W/ Jim Ablao, May 7th, 2011 Jim covered in rock dust but still smiling!
  11. Maybe if he was standing on his gun collection. :lmao: classic. that must make layton kor 23 feet tall
  12. thats mine, thanks.
  13. see all you loosers there!
  14. Eugene Dodd and Dave Jensen on the summit of Castle Rock near Camp Sherman. 1968. Photo by Jim Nieland.
  15. Needle Rock, 1968. Photo by Jim Nieland.
  16. Eugene Dodd rappels during the first ascent of Needle Rock in the Detroit area. 1968. Photo by Jim Nieland.
  17. Bill Cummings on top of the Main Twin Pillar during the FA of the Campfire Route. 1967. Photo courtesty of Jim Nieland.
  18. Man I wish you where closer to me, I'd be psyched to check it out. If you havent sold in the the next couple months and I make it up that way I would love take a look at it.
  19. Some more desert craggin pics from out in the Ochocos.... Jim Nieland on top of the Lower Twin Pillar during the FA. 1967. Photo by Eugene Dodd, courtesy of Jim Nieland.
  20. Hey I am very well aware that Mt. Hood is important to thousands of people. Thats why I've been an advocate that Mt. Hood has its own seperate form for years. But when you posted your "TR" so "the trip report section of this website is no longer dedicated to desert cragging" it astonished me. Three smith trs and a trout tr on the first two pages is probably a record. And see the thing is, is that those where real Tr's. All you posted where two sentences about conditions, no pictures (wich make or break a tr unless you can write, and make or break a conditions report unless you can write) and thats it. The best thing you could have done would probably have been to bump one of the literally hundreds of previous south side threads such as this one that was already on the same page, and posted your two senteces about conditions. So ya dude, sorry but I gotta call you out for trying to knock some truely unique content to this site in a shit poor "TR". Hell thats the first ever picnic lunch wall tr and even though Ivans writing style maybe a touch hard to follow at times and maybe not everyones cup of tea, he sure as hell puts forth some effort and rocks it with the pictures and videos. Well continue to post our crappy cragging TRs but inevtibly even with out your posting they will drift to the depths of the fourm coverd up by those hundreds and hundreds of south side "TRs". Cheers
  21. now this statement blows me away! i mean you've seriously got to be kidding... try so it can go back to the same bs "South Side of Mt. Hood Fourm"
  22. Ian spends countless hours working on the trails and maintaing the park throughout the year, more so than any one else(most likely more than all of spring thing combined too). If you can, lend him a hand for a day!
  23. kicking my self in the face for not going :tup:
  24. When they repair one side, ask if they can do the other. I made that mistake and now I must have the other side done. Having it on one side means it could easily happen to the other. If it doesnt bother you theres no real danger. I've had the current one for over two years and now it is starting to get bothersome when hanging in a harness etc. so now I will have it worked on when I have my knee surgery. Fun stuff, good luck!
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