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Everything posted by SnowByrd

  1. ditto....I'm 5.7,8 or 9 climber...cannot lead...want to climb though! I can belay lead. Joe, if you want an extra, PM me.
  2. I'm working on one form Oregon as well...he's got 2 boys near the same age as mine. Hey, on another thought, I'm feeling REALLY guilty leaving my 2 year old behind....BUT I think it will probably be more fun for all of us if I do so. He's a good kid and I have the Kelty Kid Pack...plus he can make his way up anything...probably a natural climber (aren't all 2 year olds?) but he's 2. What can I say? I need validation here....so please, you parents of once 2 yerar olds, tell me the positives of leaving him behind and make me feel better about that decision. Please?
  3. You HEARD that? It WAS a great time, Josh...Thank You for planing it. So, when are we going next? You've created a monster!
  4. It sounds like you are having pre-parenting jitters! Take a deep breath, calm down, and stop worrying about things that are out of your control and pay close attention to those that are! If you're that afraid, give it up! Once you give it up, you'll find out that you didn't need ot give it up, and have a different perception. Fear is natural....I climbed part of the first route of Givlers with my knee stuck in the crack! Now, I understand WHY you don't stick your knee in the crack! Don't solo...don't do anything thats too dangerous. C'mon Telemarker....you're a smart guy....just use common sense! Join a parenting group....talk to friends who have kids....I'll bet this is not so much about the climbing but more about becoming a parent for the first time. Fear of the unknown is silly because its out of your control. Live each day to its fullest and your child will thank you for it because you will instill that in him as well. Just be safe.
  5. Where can a Newbie climb (besides the Gym, Smith and Vantage) during the months of November and December? What kinds of skills do I need?
  6. The Joker Tavern on East Lake Sammamish....just go right instead of left at the light on Exit 17....right by Lovers Package. Good food, good beer, nice people.
  7. im workin on getting a couple more....how many do we need to make it worth it?
  8. I find this post interesting as well. I'm 27 and a single mom of 2 boys, 10 and 2. I started climbing 10 years ago, right before I became pregnant with my first...I was 16 at the time and just starting college....I was also wreckless. My first climb I was leading trad on a 5.something or other (Joshua Tree) and on the third pitch, took a 30 foot whipper. I didn't deck, but I broke my ankle and hung upside down for a while while my incompteant partners tried to figure out how to get me down. In the end, I got a nice helicopter ride to the nearest hospital. I was dehydrated, in shock, and hysterical. It took me months to get past that. I didn't climb again, other than going bouldering. While I had that cast on my foot, I got pregnant. I had the baby, anc continued on to finish school, learn to surf, mountain bike, drive a car, etc. All of those things are dangerous. Previous to conceiving my second child, I found out I had cancer. Now, THIS is a life threatening situation usually....it was found at stage 2a and it was an agressive form of Ovarian cancer. My particular strain, goes inward and affects the uterus and phalopian tubes, cervix, etc, instead of flaking off like the usual Ovarian cancer. It was easy to find, and pretty easy to cure. I lost one ovary and phalopian tube out of the whole thing. I went on to have another baby and had a reoccurance of it last year. I've been healthy for 16 months now. I'm a true newbie to climbing in every sense of the word. I did my first multipitch - trad climb on Saturday. Did I think about my children? Yes, I certainly did. This is the first time in 10 years that I was truly 'exposed' again....and I was on top rope! Sitting on a rock bench while tied in just before starting the first real pitch of Givler's, I had an episode of near hysteria. I do not know where it came from. I cried because I was so frustrated by my near immobilizing fear for my life....I mean, i had to step out on a ledge, tied in and totally safe, and climb! It didn't occur to me that I was attached to a rope...all I could think of was that first climb. Thinking about my children gave me courage...my 10 year old is an aspiring climber. I had to DO it because 1) there was another rope team behind me waiting for to get my ass in gear, and 2) I WILL NOT give up. If I had rapped down, I would have been letting myself, my son, and my climbing partners down. We would have been there all evening and the next day while I attempted it again. That trip caused me to do alot of thinking. I take in and process everything anyone who is more experienced than me, says to me. I will be the true safety nazi. I want climbing to be a safe, challenging, and most of all FUN experience that my son and I can enjoy together. Someday, I'll be leading him on this climb. That is at LEAST a couple of years down the road....because I want to learn all there is to learn before I risk my life. It doesn't mean that I won't take risks....we do that every day, just getting out of bed. I will challenge myself to do harder climbs, and learn to lead. I will also learn every safety technique there is to learn and back those up with even more safety techniques. My kids are well taken care of if I die...they'll not want for anything most of their lives, other than a mother. If I become permanently disabled, I am guaranteed my current salary for the rest of my life. I have insurance out the yin yang. But none of this causes me to pause when it comes to safety. Perhaps I am entering the climbing world from a different doorway than most people. I consider myself lucky. I learned the hard way. I will take risks because that is part of the fun of climbing...but I won't be stupid about it. I will listen to what others tell me and also be critical and think for myself. In my mind, even though I am not religious, everything happens for a reason and you can learn something and find something positive in every situation, no matter how bad it is. I would never ever judge someone else for taking the risks they take or call them stupid or selfish. People do things for their own reasons and we. as the onlookers, have no right to judge others because we aren't wearing their shoes. Moral of the story: Everything in moderation....and do no harm. Just be as safe as you can, for yourself or for those that love you. Every action is played forward in one way or another. Karma, baby!
  9. Just like climbing - Ya gotta train! and like climbing you need to go at your own level or you are gunna have a nasty epic. Cheers, Muffy! Great analogy! Sippin is probably my style....but I can definitely see the benefit in the occasional 'gulp' as well...thats the only way to get to the next level and push yourself. I can't sip those 5.6 and 5.7's forever. Cya at Smith!
  10. SnowByrd

    Bad Photo Contest

    Come join the Newbie Dorkfest!
  11. Ah, well I will defer to your vastly superior knowledge with respect to Belgians. As for the beer, I follow the leader (as much as I can before I pass out) and if TG gulps it down who am I to argue? I'll play Follow the Leader too but somebody has to promise to drag me to my tent when I pass out and hold my hair out of my face when I puke TG is an excellent role model, I'm sure....I know he's a hell of a brewer anyways
  12. note snowbyrd you were climbing granitic rock. my weekend...moving stuff from my parents house, taking it easy, lots of drinking...some dancing... no time for climbing yet. Beautiful granite...loved it! So how long is it gonna take for my knuckles and hands to stop bleeding? Its well worth it but im getting my keyboard all sticky...got any tips for making em heal faster? I want to go climbing today or tomorrow.
  13. How many times did u walk past it looking for Gun Show? 2 or 3? Getting lost can make a person bitter...but then agian, I'm a totall newbie and Gritscone has a couple of climbs I haven't done yet. I'm sure its like an anthill to everyone else. Exit 32 is fun as well....for the newbies, that is. Now that I've gone to 11worth, I see just how safe Exit 32 and 38 are....but that doesn't mean it still can't be challenging...at least ot us Newbies. U guys have fun at Index and be sure to post lots of Pics
  14. let's see that hangover remedy then Belgians give me the WORST headaches....all that yeast....maybe somebody should bring a geuze! Gulping copious amounts of high alcohol beer works for some...just personally, I'd like ot do some climbing that weekend as well and as tempting as it is to gulp, me personally, would not be able ot even move the next day if I gulped. So, I personally prefer to sip To each his own....then again, maybe I'm just weak and pathetic when it comes to drinking beer.
  15. Went on my first multipitch climb in Leavenworth and climbed Givlers Dome with Selkirk, Dryad, and Hilweasel. WOW! (that doesn't even begin to explain it....what a great time!)
  16. Damned awesome climbing partner, that hillweasel! Hell of a nice guy to boot! We had a blast!
  17. I'm not greedy...but I'm not afraid to give a compliment when I KNOW one is well deserved, either! You just don't know the proper way to drink a Triple, either....perhaps you were a bit greedy yourself. Belgians are for sippin, buddy....not gulping!
  18. let's take 1 car you can guard the keg! Better hope your guard doesn't bring a cup. Thats a mighty long, and thirsty, drive. we'll just hook her straight up to the keg and tie the tap to her head....
  19. [quote I'll bring 15.5 gallons of stout and 31 gallons of other ( IPA, ESG, Pale Ale, maybe Triple) any requests? One big CAUTION! the Triple tends to be totally ruinious...just ask Winter; but it is my personal favorite. Part of my mantra is that the lack of beer should not be an issue, sort of like freedom, I'm sorry that we ran out last time. Biz is good and I'm happy to share. I would, however, love to try the Dopple Bock. One thought, maybe we should organize a breakfast...Horse cock, spuds, coffee and advil? Last year it was a little sad; every one wandering around, kicking the dirt, squinting in the stale sunlight, not quite knowing what to do next. Skating away on the thin ice of a new day. They just don't know how to drink, eh? Oh, that Triple is one of me favourites...I wish we could have a cask conditioned ale as well... Lots of vitamin C and lots and lots of water always helps prevent a hangover...that, and take the Advil the night before. I wouldn't recommend the Triple for this lot, if what you're saying is true. Pints and pints of a sweet yeasty high alcogol content beer would probably kill em, and you KNOW they're not gonna SIP that Triple in the true style its meant to be drank....2 weeks in Belgium and many many bad hangovers taught me just important the sipping of the beer is Only 15.5 gallons of the stout? Hey, TG...how about a nice seasonal for the fest? You could even name it something like 'Tough Love Marzen' Just a thought....it IS October....and the time that all we Germans reap the harvest, etc....right? Why not go all out! MMMMnnnnn...beeer and climbing and horsecock......I'm such a lucky lucky girl to have happened upon CC.com.
  20. let's take 1 car you can guard the keg!
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