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Everything posted by james_e

  1. before election day. pray to god, budha, that carmen electra poster on your wall, whatever. go kerry....
  2. epinephrine- 5.9 KICK ASS
  3. yeah, it seems like most of the cracks there flare inward, so placements can be a little sketchy. other than that i like the climbing there a lot
  4. i love interpol. also good is greenday, social distortion, muse, and once in a while head automatica. my gym likes to play the zepp and acdc and i think that works best
  5. yeah, the first and second pullouts have the best moderate sport climbs. the black corridor off of the second pullout has lots of routes from 5.9 up to a couple 5.12s and gets shade all day. and you should definitely get the falcon guide. it's the best. i actually just got back last weekend from red rocks. if you are doing trad too, theres lots in the moderate range in calico basin. if i'm remembering correctly from what i read in the book, panty wall has moderate trad routes too. good luck. congrats on your marriage. -james
  6. well what are the best sport crags in calico basin? thanks for all your input.
  7. well, i'm takin my first trip to red rocks. i'm also going with another red rocks virgin, who also happens to be a trad virgin. where should we go to find easy-moderate sport routes (up to 5.11's)? a little gear placement is ok, but mostly sport please. all suggestions help. thanks. -james
  8. "JIB ON!" ummm....how about backcountry jib on?
  9. ....or other automobile. needs to be cheap (under 1k) and run decently. preferrably a small sedan with decent gas mileage, if that's not too much to ask. email jameson981@hotmail.com or PM please. thanks. ......
  10. If you grad the draw it usually means you're scared, so you will gain more respect from other climbers if you do the whole thing free.
  11. "i like that boulder...that's a nice boulder."
  12. listen to 107.7 the end. i don't know if they still are, but they were having a Ramones marathon deticated to Johnny.
  13. this thread is so true. do you people honestly think that the moderators grunt through work all day at wherever just to come home and gossip about all the cc.comers? maybe if there is a big issue with one of them, MAYBE. but i highly doubt theres an entire thread dedicated to "so-and-so called so-and-so a fucking moron, SO LETS MAKE HIS LIFE A LIVING HELL!!" so get real and get over it.
  14. james_e

    Free Advice

    I also am not taking sides here. I think the moderator was wrong in that he didn't know lambone and for all he knew, 'boner could be the most dedicated climber on this site. Maybe hes embittered by the PEOPLE on this site. So even if he is an asshole, that doesn't mean his bitterness is climbing related. But on the contrary, i think Lambone was overreacting a little too. My guess is the moderator didn't actually mean to quit climbing altogether, even if he did say that, but more to just chill. Everybody, including lambone, needs to just chill out. this really isn't a subject that the entire climbing community of the PNW needs to get involved in. my 2 cents. P.S. Quit beating the dead horse.
  15. "don't reelect the son-of-a-bush"
  16. james_e

    win $50,000

    haha....good luck with that.....
  17. nope, it's two routes to the left of the quarts dike on the keep out
  18. how much for just the aliens?
  19. bovine perspiration at the keep-out
  20. i'll give you a candy bar, a yoyo, and an old piece of string from my pocket for them. How much did you get them for? you already said " The only reason they are so cheap is because I got them on Pro Deal and I dont want to be a jerk and make money off of whoever buys them." and i don't really want you to lose money on them.
  21. yeah, sarcasm. what's not to like about short almost roadside access with little use? i guess i should've used an emoticon or something to show that
  22. all this just means we're gonna have to hit the northback hard this year while it's still there. it will be hard to let go though
  23. yeah. the same stuff plastic cutting boards are made out of. you can get it at most industrial hardware stores, and some standard corner hardware stores too.
  24. sounds awesome. i'll try to clear my busy schedule for this. it'll be my first year coming . see yall on the flipside
  25. anyone know anything about competitions there?
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