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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. I don't know about that - kids love the "gross out" aspect of it. Gummi worms, bugs, insects, whatever.
  2. Post hoc, ergo proctor hoc - It means "after this, therefore because of this". It's a classic logical fallacy. Those are interesting statistics, but there are a lot of other possible causes for the decrease in violent crime including more/better trained police, increased incarceration times, a better economy, etc. My guess is it's due to the large number of criminals who are incarcerated - an argument that has been out there for some time to explain the declining rates of violent crime in recent years. Which reminds me of the oft-cited statistic (from lefties) about the US having the highest rate of imprisonment (up there with Russia and China), and how this is supposedly a baaaaaaad thing, indicative of some horrible flaw in our society. Everyone likes to manipulate the numbers for their agenda. Lies, damn lies, and statistics indeed.
  3. Road Kill Candy
  4. What proportions? One part each?
  5. KaskadskyjKozak

    RIP Duke

    I've heard similar explanations for why climbers climb, and I can certainly understand *that* drive.
  6. KaskadskyjKozak

    RIP Duke

    I laugh at your hypocrisy and at you.
  7. KaskadskyjKozak

    RIP Duke

    I don't think Nixon was evil, and think that type of hyperbole does a lot of harm, blurring the distinctions between good and true evil. I'll stop with that to avoid thread-drift, and only add that reading these types of statements makes me not have much desire to read more of what this guy has to offer.
  8. KaskadskyjKozak

    RIP Duke

    OK, I'll concede that point. I've always wondered why this is so and whether it is a necessary condition to that level of creativity.
  9. KaskadskyjKozak

    RIP Duke

    Yeah, they worked so well for him that he blew his brains out. Or maybe it just helped him get that far. Tell us all about your perfection KaskadskyjKozak. If that's what it took for him to "get by" and make his life worth living than he's a pathetic sack of shit. A far cry from "perfection". The average person seems to be able to find something to live for. I guess that's not edgy or sophistic ated enough for all the self-absorbed, nihilistic, narcissists of the world. And if you take my criticism of him as an insult to you, then that says more about you than me.
  10. KaskadskyjKozak

    RIP Duke

    Yeah, they worked so well for him that he blew his brains out.
  11. nice try.
  12. There are many poor countries in the world that could blame the US for its policies. Why is it that terrorists only come from those countries where the "religion of peace" is dominant? OR The US killed over 2 million Vietnamese in the Vietnam War. Why is that nation not a breeding ground for terrorists and hatred against the US. Discuss...
  13. I know a relative of his... dropped him a note this week and he says Chris will probably not lose any digits.
  14. At least this is aesthetically pleasing to look at. Compare with the so-called "art" you find in cities like Seattle. To me the concrete and steel monstrosities look more like junk (e.g. the red metal tube "piece" near the Space Needle).
  15. Stategery.
  16. Also, note that the data only goes up to 1950. I'm wondering if the slope steepens between 1950 and 2005, or if it continues at roughly the same rate of increase. The question is whether the C02 concentrations are increasing irrespective of man, or whether man is accelerating an already-occurring natural phenomenon.
  17. KaskadskyjKozak


    Opted to tie my $$$ softshell jacket around my waist on a bushwhacking approach. Noticed it had fallen off, and made everyone wait while I searched for it (30 min).
  18. KaskadskyjKozak


    Yeah baby! Now I can justify my consumption of both red wine and coffee. Just add tequila and I'll be set...
  19. KaskadskyjKozak


  20. KaskadskyjKozak


    Embarassing? Dunno. Humorous: coming off the Easton Glacier, and needing to take a dump really bad. Dropped trou' on a ridge above a the moraine. As I released a 12-inch brown trout... two snowmobiles roared up the moraine and got an eye-full. A modicum of justice for those #(*#&*.
  21. KaskadskyjKozak


    I was thinking the same thing...
  22. It can be done car to car; leave early to maximize daylight. The biggest risk is weather - hikers get lost in whiteouts up there and wind up on the Nisqually or Paradise glaciers, or they fail to bring adequate protection against the elements.
  23. Leashing dogs is cruelty in and of itself. So is imprisonment in a home. Let the dogs go free to live as nature intended!
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