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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. The question is not whether the discussion is "silenced", but whether it is skewed based on who is in power to fund - and that is a question of 'left' or 'right'. One side gets a louder voice based not solely (or even predominantly) on scientific merit, but on political motivations.
  2. An example of recent institutional bias is the research concerning migrations of native peoples, who supposedly settled N. America from Siberia around 10,000+ years ago in a single migration. Scientists challenging this idea with credible evidence that migrations occurred in waves, from multiple locations, beginning much earlier were mocked, and rejected by their "scientific" peers for years. There was a great documentary on this on cable recently. This type of story has been repeated over and over again in science. Scientists are just as prone to the herd mentality and are just as disposed to jump on some band-wagon with blinders on. And damned be you if your research challenges the established orthodoxy in some field of study.
  3. The "evidence" you ask for is out there, Sir. You just refuse to see it, because it challenges your orthodoxy. And that is truly "classic".
  4. I love watching the pseudo-scientists squirm when their orthodoxy is challenged. I doubt very highly that you know much about the "scientific process". Let me tell you out of personal experience how bias enters into the scientific "process". In a former position, we paid an outside agency to perform certain screening measurements for phenotypes "of interest" on lines of mutagenized mice. The lines of animals, and all their screening measurements were made available to staff at the site - a necessity for data entry. There was a vested interest in finding lines of animals exhibiting the phenotypes of interest, and prove the results were reproducible, inheritable, and penetrable. We noticed many false positives in lines where an initial erroneous measure, or simple outlier led over-eager lab staff to "find" more of the same. A classic example of self-fulfilling prophesy. If you believe that in the real world, measurements are taken in a vacuum in pure, completely controlled studies with no possibility of bias, data-massaging, or other corrupting factor entering the collection, analysis, or interpretation of the data, then you are the one living in "la-la" land.
  5. Oh it does happen. And there are different "tiers" of journals, AND somehow news reporters don't differentiate between them, and policy-makers pick and choose from the "studies" that support their agendas.
  6. you obviously know nothing about politics and reality if you think political bias does NOT determine what gets published and what gets funded
  7. "Scientists" are human beings, and when they conduct their work with a bias and an agenda, it is distorted, and no longer "science" as you describe it. Sadly, this occurs on a daily basis.
  8. not more hours, but WHEN the hours occur w/r/t to a person's day (work, sleep, etc)
  9. harvest the lard through lipo-suction? :-)))
  10. what if all TVs were connected to treadmills/generators instead of an electrical outlet...
  11. We should make all these lard-asses run on treadmills connected to electric turbines to help solve our energy woes...
  12. problem with that claim is that the people growing the most blubber live in areas where heating is not an issue... e.g. the deep south and even click here
  13. heat up the atmosphere so we need less energy to heat our homes, and can manufacture lighter/less clothing. Oh yeah, we're already working on that one!
  14. why go there? just take the Nile as an example (see my above post). Any "educator" that has failed to study the cradles of civilization (centered around the rivers Nile, Tigris and Euphrates, etc) has no business teaching anything, IMNSHO.
  15. who will kill the spiders?
  16. WTF are you talking about? We have just as many as they do? Albeit one Y in place of an X... for #23. this is doubly funny in that he's the one who started the "misconceptions about the natural world" thread it's triply funny since he works in the life sciences
  17. WTF are you talking about? We have just as many as they do? Albeit one Y in place of an X... for #23.
  18. DeNile ain't just a river in Egypt.
  19. True. One thing worth pointing out is that the "proof" contains the oft misstated quote that "money is the root of all evil". The correct statement is "the LOVE of money is the root of all evil", so the "proof" needs to be tweaked a bit.
  20. Of course the river returns the client to the put-in point - the customer demands it, what kind of business are you running?
  21. anything that bleeds for a week a month... and survives... is evil The whole bleed thing is largely a figure of speech. There is actually a very small quantity of blood involved in menstruation. Perhaps you should consider some human anatomy and physiology classes so as not to sound so fucking stupid. lighten up fuckhead
  22. anything that bleeds for a week a month... and survives... is evil
  23. Interestingly, there has already been at least one black pope: Gelasius I, who was pope between 492 and 496...
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