Exactly. From the blathering in this thread, you'd think that it was cut and dry what Terri wanted. That's the whole problem - there's reasonable doubt that she ever specified what she wanted, and there is certainly no living will.
The word of a spouse? With the US divorce rate of 50% and all the abusive, unhealthy relationships out there, I am bewildered at how readily all the cheerleaders for tube-pulling cite the spouse's "word". And the spouse's "word" is not bolstered somehow by CCCom-member's opinions that someone is a vegetable with a useless life, or that Fox news runs propaganda video clips, or whatever the fuck annoys you about the story today. All we know for sure is that the spouse wanted Terri to be "unplugged" and the parents to keep her "plugged". Nobody knows what Terri wanted, so the debate is endless, as evidenced by the news coverage.