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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. When global warming renders Seattle a tropical climate with malaria-infested mosquitos... sure.
  2. Just one link of many you can find... http://www.abc.net.au/rn/talks/8.30/helthrpt/stories/s22432.htm
  3. Speaking of insects and DDT... Oh, yeah
  4. I hear this all the time, but as a bird biologist who has worked with a number of the researchers who did the eaarly egg shell work I can tell you that the science from the "in lab work, controlled experiments" is tight and has passed all sorts of scientific peer scrutiny. There are many in the industry who would like to explain it away through wishful thinking. The manufacturers continue to make DDT and sell it to many third world countries. DDE the metabolite of DDT continues to weaken egg shells in birds in the rest of the world. Many of the imported fruits, including bananas and others, have measurable residues of pesticides banned here in the good ole US of A. Farmers in Central and South America still spray chemicals that have been documented to kill wildlife directly. Not any of this maybe yes, maybe no, possible egg shell thinning. The birds fall dead out of the air. Catbird can probably expound on this and likely has specific technical knowledge, but it isn't pseudo-science. All I can say is that I have read and heard contrary claims about the effects of DDT, its usage (and banning) worldwide, and so on. Again, it would be nice to have a global fact-checker somewhere. Any google search will show you what I mean (e.g. http://www.junkscience.com/ddtfaq.htm).
  5. who makes DDT? WTF
  6. I just hear too many contradictory claims about it (global warming). Everyone has an agenda. To whit. Recently it was revealed that the study that killed DDT was "cooked" - and the part about thin avian egg shells for endangered species was fabricated. The substance could have saved millions of lives in mosquito-infested third-world countries. Fool me once... Personally, I think global warming is occuring, but don't know if we can do anything about it. I'm not opposed to reasonable proactive action now (like raising cafe standards on cars).
  7. Supposedly the Denali TNF jacket is a Bellevue-teen fashion statement...
  8. mullets must be eradicated
  9. We're talking about crustaceans, not bovines.
  10. Upon what do you base this comment? Are you stating that the research project was funded by conservatives or undertaken by them? Or that the news release itself was issued by conservatives? I know when I think "Norway", I always think "hard right idealogues".
  11. http://www.cnn.com/2005/TECH/science/02/15/lobster.pain.ap/index.html
  12. Supersize it! The American way...
  13. Rum and coke - Bacardi Black. Must be in the exact proportions: strong, but not too strong. Not too sweet either. Err on the side of higher alcohol content.
  14. Jaegermeister is like that too. Another good one: "Dead Nazi" a.k.a. "Sledgehammer": 1 jigger Jaegermeister 1 jigger Rumpleminze (100 proof peppermint Schnapps) Serve ice cold.
  15. top-shelf marguerita: Cuervo 1800 Cointreau lime juice
  16. A red eye is plus spreading butt cheeks...
  17. I thought a depth charge was dropping a shot of tequila into a beer...
  18. He was asked about that. Basically his answer seemed reasonable and had two parts: 1) the proposed wind farm would be built in a national park (Nantucket?). This would ruin a pristine environment, and on the east coast, there are fewer national parks than in the West, so this would deprive local residents from a true wilderness experience close to home. 2) the wind farm could be built further up the shore. It would be more expensive to build there, but it would be just as effective at producing energy.
  19. From time to time, there are some decent points from all sides...
  20. Listen Richard, I have not bought anything I am told without question, that should be evident even to a dolt as yourself. We must ask questions, then formulate a position. Is it acceptable if N. Korea has nukes? What would the potential consequences be? What should our policy be? You prove my point in my comments to Squid. You are just a sniper with no ideas of your own, just like the majority of your politically-like-minded ilk. As long as you have no ideas, then don't be surprised when someone else makes the decisions for you.
  21. 1) email or internet discussion forums are flawed in their inability to provide the 'back and forth' of a conversation. And there are no visual clues, voice inflections, and so on. 2) this site is replete with 'caricatures' of the right, Christians, conservatives, etc. To criticize me for supposedly engaging in this is rather ironic. Whenever I attempt a serious give and take with someone, it always seems to lead to the same old cliches: "Bush sucks", "Iraq is a quagmire", "blood for oil". blah blah. 3) I don't know what you are referring to with straw man comments, but if it is the post to which you directly replied, then let me clarify. Bush's detractors continually harp on how shitty his policies are, but never espouse any of their own. It is way too easy and convenient to snipe and engage in monday morning quarterbacking. I want to see if anyone has any constructive policy suggestions regarding Iran and N. Korea. So far, there are none. The left is waiting for Bush to "fail" and then attack his policy, whatever it was. I don't see any thought about the issues facing us up front, yet alone how to address them. This is Iraq allover again - what do we do this time? As for the original topic of this thread, you can be damn sure, that the "blame America first crowd", including professors like Churchill, and that seditious lawyer, will be spewing all kinds of rhetoric about how we are to blame for Iran and N. Korea - we made them build the bomb, we made them kill people, we deserve what we get. All of us are, after all, "little Eichmans"...
  22. What if N. Korea invades S. Korea again? What if they launch a nuke at S. Korea? What if a dirty bomb goes off in the US, and there is strong evidence (but doubt enough for the ACLU types to wring their hands over) that the source was the N. Korea nuclear weapons program? What if China says that if we retaliate against N. Korea that they will retaliate against us? The pretense for war in Iraq was: WMD + dictator who might use it + imminent threat (weapons could wind up in terrorists' hands). Unless N. Korea is lying, two out of three of these points are certainly TRUE in N. Korea - no debate about this. What should be done about this now, especially if N. Korea attempts nuclear blackmail, or continues in their irrational intransigence? Those are the questions that should be discussed, but instead the Bush-haters continue to spout off about the folly of the "axis of evil speech", and devise ridiculous conspiracy theories - like how he wants to invade Iran and convert the Muslims.
  23. If you're looking for a true madman, you'd better pay attention to Kim Jong Il (or however that human Chia-Pet spells his name).
  24. I remember hearing reports during the first few days of the movie "Independence Day" that the movie audiences cheered when the aliens blew up the capital building... Samuel Clemens has some classic quotes that come to mind regarding our leaders: click here
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