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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. Yeah, not like those 'women belong in the kitchen, hate all immigrants' right wingers..... That's about the dumbest thing I've heard you say. Though I can always wait until you open your mouth again. Uh huh. Liberals keep track of everyone's race. Who was nominated for that position/promoted to that job/won that tournament? Oooh another WHITEY CRACKER? Damn, that figures. blah blah blah. People who keep track of everyone's race at every turn are in fact racist themselves. People who simply live and don't worry about what someone's race is whether it be for a political position or a CEO at a company, your boss, whatever, are not. Liberals love to throw shit on everyone on the right. Turnabout is fair play. Want to call all southerners or conservatives in general racists with impunity? Piss off. The grace period is over on all that bullshit. I see just as much racism from lefties. Even more if you consider the arrogance that underlies social positions that hold that minorities need someone to take care of them.
  2. You are an ass. I see I've hit a sore spot. The truth hurts. Oh, yeah, eat shit.
  3. many conservatisms are concerned about this nomination and have spoken up already.
  4. that is because it is likely to be true. Liberals are some of the most sexist/racist people I've met.
  5. Nope, this tactic has nothing to do with emotion. Playing the race/gender/whatever card seems to be par for the course in American politics these days. If a Dem nominated a minority to a position, and the Republicans challenged it, you would hear a deafening cacophony of charges that the opposition was due to race/gender/sexual orientation. It is all very Machiavellian.
  6. Like when he went before the UN?
  7. McCain is too old.
  8. the irony is overwhelming. liberalism is based on emotion not intellect. this was evidenced by the recent CC.com thread where the "feelings" of the lower class regarding how well-off they are were deemed more important than hard facts.
  9. I used to love her, then I had Tequila... oops wrong group, wrong song
  10. Yob tvoyu mat. Chinga tu madre. baisez votre mère olyhay uckfay eroylay otway ay uckingfay ickheadday ooglegay, enthay anguagelay oolstay
  11. The commissar vanishes... Komisar Vy sam. Vy s nimi s odnogo polya yagody kak i po politichiskom vyglyade tak i tem, kak Vy vzyali b i derzhali b svoyu silu, pusto govorya o ravenstom lyudej.
  12. No one on talk radio anyway. Plenty of others did. Selective amnesia, how convenient. Not.
  13. That's not what I recall. The mantra from the left was as follows: "let the weapons inspectors have some more time - they will find and dispose of the weapons. They are doing their job". And by "nobody" I first and foremost mean Americans - Dems and Republicans. Certain European nations like France and Russia had their own agenda and reason to deny the weapons were there. The US should base its policies on what it knows, not on what other nations claim to be true. I am referring to chemical and biological weapons. Nobody was disputing that Iraq had had them, had used them, and probably still had them. Evidence concerning a nuclear weapons program was flimsy, and that was obvious to everyone even then. It certainly didn't convince me.
  14. I guess the subtlety of your point evaded me when I read where you wrote: "Are you tellign a lie? .. If so it is sad that we will see no better..... " So, you and Mr. K continue to ignore my argument, and pretty much anybody else's here, but to seize on minutae and fire back with B.S. ... Can either of you REALLY say that Bush and Cheney hadn't both been told that (a) Iraq did not launch 911 (b) the evidence of the Uranium purchase was false © the aluminum tubes could not have been used for a centrifuge (d) we had something like 400,000 soldiers surrounding him, and no real proof that he had anything to threaten us with(Please check my number for me so you can show how wrong I am) Nobody disputed WMDs before the invasion. The dispute was whether their existence posed an imminent threat to the US. If Bush and Co. believed (like everyone else) that WMDs existed then they did not lie about it. You can argue how shitty our intelligence service was, or the judgement of Bush et ali to invade Iraq based on said intelligence, but when you liberals harp on Bush being a "liar", I think you are all
  15. Everyone knows whats going on. It's just that they don't all agree on how to characterize it, or react moving forward.
  16. You guys throw your shit continuously and think it will stick. Just because you say Bush is a liar over and over again ad nauseum does not make it true, nor does it mean that the American public believes it to be true. What you can't take is that this is the case. Well, it is. You've failed to convince the American public. Deal with it. And no amount of the "press" parroting your accusations will change that. So enjoy your sour grapes.
  17. Hypocrisy, Ferraris, and no-bid contracts- the hallmarks of neoconservatism. conservatives drive Ferraris? More like Lincoln Navigators, Cadillac Escalades, Lexuses, and H2s
  18. Gotta love this! Bush is lying, Matt is not. The press need to go after Bush for lying, but PP needs to give Matt a pass for his "honest mistake". Inconsistency and hypocrisy - the hallmarks of liberalism.
  19. Solution: Impeachment New Problem: Dick Cheney. Stalemate.
  20. The loony left.
  21. WTF are you talking about? I never said anything of the sort. If I knew there were no WMDs in Iraq I certainly would not have supported the invasion. Now we've made a mess and cutting-and-running is not an option. As for the policy - it's not about "bringing democracy to Iraq", it's about a long-term geopolitical strategy, which would be nice if it works, but is certainly not guaranteed to. And I don't like Bush - nor did I like his father, but that doesn't mean I don't get annoyed by the constant Bush-hating liberals with their hyperbole, doom-and-gloom rhetoric, negativity, and self-loathing. Bush is in for 3 more years - deal with it, and start rooting for America and success in Iraq, rather than failure. Let's hear some solutions or STFU.
  22. This is classic! Beautiful. I'll respond in two words: equal time.
  23. Now you're getting it! You are describing the modus operandi of the neo-Marxist liberal elites to a tee! Excellent!
  24. It's not the hippie - they have no power. It's the elite-left we need to fear.
  25. The Fifth Column.
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