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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. are you implying KK is hawkish? or that a certain part of his anatomy is a battleground? hey now
  2. reminds me of a (sophmoric) joke: what does Dracula use for teabags?
  3. the point? oh, you mean the beginning of "feel good gestures" (never mind the results). the birth of American liberalism.
  4. The irony is that the New Deal policies were not ultimately responsible for the turaround in the economy; the war effort was.
  5. we did more than drop nukes (i.e. fire bombing of German and Japanese cities ).
  6. Racist!
  7. So you say. I believe nothing that the left says. Such is our current state of affairs in this country. The boy has cried wolf one too many times, and there's been far too much hyperbole for me to believe any of what is being posited about this bill in this debate. Read the fucking bill yourself you dumbshit. You can read can't you? Fuck you, shithead.
  8. So you say. I believe nothing that the left says. Such is our current state of affairs in this country. The boy has cried wolf one too many times, and there's been far too much hyperbole for me to believe any of what is being posited about this bill in this debate.
  9. Effectively what our "civil rights for terrorists" advocates do is to tie one hand behind our backs, beat soldiers and policy makers about the head constantly (and bite at their ankles), while humming their mantra of "we're losing, it's unwinnable, blah blah".
  10. yeah, right. Keep oversimplifying the political motivations and belief systems of your opponents. It will make you feel better about yourself, and, oh so much smarter than those with whom you disagree.
  11. can you say... thread drift?
  12. I think it would be better to vote out all incumbents at every election for a few years. Who cares that the balance of power would toggle every 2 years in the house. It would at least put the fear of God into those a-holes.
  13. smoke another bowl dude.
  14. this planet and the people on it would certainly be in better shape without you
  15. Canadian school children watch her program during class time. It's their version of abstinence education (images of that lady combined with those devices would make anyone lose all sexual desires...). It helps keep Canadians from being obese as well ... the show regularly induces purging/vomiting.
  16. with the specifics of said-limitation defined by you and your chosen political party, of course.
  17. I read somewhere recently that in Canada is was illegal for religious organizations to publicly say that "homosexuality is a sin". The great white north is so progressive... and free...
  18. propaganda = a point of view you disagree with broadcast on the public airwaves. all broadcasts dealing with a controversial issue have a POV and will offend someone, and cause some disagreement/outrage. this whole debate is good fodder (by extension) for why the gov't should not be funding PBS, NPR or any other "public" broadcasting.
  19. I believe he is referring to a certain DNC Kool-Aid guzzler named Crux - who just recently proposed putting network executives in prison for an ABC docu-drama written and produced under the protections of the first amendment. Post #601332 - written by Crux: Now, regarding your news that Senate democrats are talking about pulling Disney's FCC license, that is definitely predictable: I have argued it is a violation of federal law for public sector resources to be allocated for the purpose of dissemination of propaganda for political purposes. The public airwaves thusly abused by Disney/ABC present not only grounds for revocation of the broadcasting license but for criminal prosecution under the provisions of the respective statutes. Any modicum of respect I had for the guy evaporated with this paragraph. True colors revealed - and I don't think Crux is alone in his interpretation of what 'free speech' really means. Scary shit if the Dem's take charge. Really. Amen brother. The fascists are on the left - listen up TREETOAD, i'm talking to you. JEEZUS!!! Read up on what the label fascism really means. It applies in part to either side of the political extreme....a system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.... sounds like you listen to too much one sided talk radio vitriol ah definitions, definitions. they never stopped you left-wingers from throwing the term around indiscriminantly. what comes around, goes around. the idea that government should censor speech is supported in actuality by repressive regimes on both sides of the traditional political "spectrum" (I don't believe there is such a thing as a traditional two-dimensional political spectrum - too simplistic). Crux's suggestion above is clearly a proposal that moves towards repression, whether it is of the "fascist" or "left-wing" variety.
  20. source please. males 18-25 or males in general (i'd suspect the former)
  21. Agreed. Better hope bad karma doesn't come back and bite "chirp" in the .
  22. I believe he is referring to a certain DNC Kool-Aid guzzler named Crux - who just recently proposed putting network executives in prison for an ABC docu-drama written and produced under the protections of the first amendment. Post #601332 - written by Crux: Now, regarding your news that Senate democrats are talking about pulling Disney's FCC license, that is definitely predictable: I have argued it is a violation of federal law for public sector resources to be allocated for the purpose of dissemination of propaganda for political purposes. The public airwaves thusly abused by Disney/ABC present not only grounds for revocation of the broadcasting license but for criminal prosecution under the provisions of the respective statutes. Any modicum of respect I had for the guy evaporated with this paragraph. True colors revealed - and I don't think Crux is alone in his interpretation of what 'free speech' really means. Scary shit if the Dem's take charge. Really. Amen brother. The fascists are on the left - listen up TREETOAD, i'm talking to you.
  23. Huxley and Bradbury's dystopic visions are a bit less brutal/over-the-top and more believable in a lot of ways.
  24. We can thank Michael Moore for that. 451->9/11->411 it's bad netiquette to nitpick typos, BTW
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