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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. Well, Clinton was no worse than his three predecessors dealing with terrorism.
  2. That alone is a good enough reason to care about this. The danger is that media- left and right- increasingly package their opinions as "the Truth" and "facts". I suppose that has always been the case to some extent, but should we all just standby silently while the masses are "educated" by ideologues promoting their own agendas? I think we're better than that. I'm not watching this crap. Neither should anybody else, but that's their choice. It's not my job (or government's) to protect people from themselves.
  3. who the fuck cares about any of this. TV/movies always take huge liberties with the truth in their "fictional" depictions passed off as historical, and all the igorant sheeple believe whatever they see taking it as the latter.
  4. I'm not going to debate the attitude of the people you have talked to, but my observation is that most people's lives haven't changed a bit. Taking off your shoes to fly in airplanes doesn't count. Speaking for myself and most people I know, 9/11 hasn't affected the overwhelming majority of our daily activities with the exception of our political griping. We do the same work, we engage in the same leisure activities, we spend our money the same way. Really, the only people that I know whose lives are substantially different are those who are in the military and their families, and they are a very small fraction of this country. Excellent. Isn't the point of the terrorists to change our lives? If we haven't done so, they have failed.
  5. Can't a terrorist figure out how to apply a fake "factory seal"?
  6. yeah right. they've been a hell of a lot more consistent (and good) than Metallica.
  7. Dave Mustaine
  8. A good story for Germany or Florida (omit the multi-syllabic conglomerate of course)
  9. quidquid Latine dictum sit altum viditur
  10. or presidents...
  11. but means the same thing... literally. If we want everything to sound better, why not write everything in Latin You are really sharp, dude. By the way it's a Greek word, not latin. I believe the word is "capitis". cephalus (latin) kephalos (greek) I find it hilarious how people think that if you write something in Latin (or French for that matter) it somehow sounds better/more sophisticated/whatever, when the translation is exactly the same thing.
  12. but means the same thing... literally. If we want everything to sound better, why not write everything in Latin
  13. oh boy. be prepared for a full-body-cavity search with that stuff in your carry-on
  14. not necessarily true. often interviewers have to agree to avoid asking certain questions to get the interview.
  15. What is the penalty for climbing w/o a permit, and how serious are they about enforcing the permits? Can you avoid the permit system by going up another route?
  16. Drinks his own urine, bites the head off monkeys? Damn, it's like Black Sabbtah Ozzy !!
  17. it'd be really weird if we found out a famous climber drinks his own urine.
  18. Sloan/Corkscrew
  19. you have a face that could stop a clock
  20. I despise O'Reilley. Don't know the other guy (although he looks a little like JayB )
  21. The TSA asshats: http://www.koin.com/news.asp?ID=5634 keep fighting one stereotyped enemy KK, there are others out there, maybe if you grew a spine it wouldn't affect you so much the DC airport was closed for quite some time after 9/11 before they reopened it. the liquid ban will not be permanent. the random spine comment is hilarious coming from a jellyfish like you.
  22. everyone is affected by these attacks, not just ground zero. i've never lived in New York City, or ever even been there, and that attack certainly affected me. there's nothing retarded about it. you let a sore fester and you'll be in trouble. history is replete with such examples. the barbarians are at the gate. for good - who said? for a short time, while they sort out all the details of this current plot - banning liquids is a wise move. and not a cynical ploy whatsoever. althought I'd argue taking water bottles from granny is not necessary - she doesn't fit the profile.
  23. and just like 3000+ New Yorkers did on 9/11/2001. Does that crack you up too, you cynical motherf***?
  24. Exactly. The best way to fight terrorism is to go about business as close to normal as possible! just like the Brits and French did as Hitler built up his armies and refined his invasion plans.
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