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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. What would a butt-pirate know about normal sex, anyways?
  2. Ya missed the point JayB We all got the point: you're a classless asshole.
  3. remember that after the elections
  4. If both parties simultaneously have some power (Republican Executive, Democratic congressional) then that is a good recipe for a more lean government. Funny how in capitalism it always comes down to competition being necessary to prevent excesses. That only worked under Clinton/Rep congress. Under Bush 41 and Reagan, there was shared power and deficits. And taxes were raised then too, BTW (Reagan cut, then raised taxes later, and we all remember "read my lips"). -- S
  5. I disagree. You can't cram a year's worth of learning into a weekend or even a multi-day or even 2-week course. Now, if you learn on your own first, and then take one of those course offered by AAI, for example, as a way to fill in gaps and progress, I'd say a 6 or 7 day course would fulfill the type of instruction that we are talking about much better than a club. But who can afford that anyways?
  6. Both parties are good at finding ways to spend (waste, squander) our money.
  7. Does he ever? RMI, in addition to being miniscule as compared to the mounties, is also quite a bit more expensive, making it out of reach of a lot of beginning climbers, particularly very young climbers. It seems to me RMI's goal is to make money as a business first, and teach you about climbing second. Clubs are the other way around. Many people hire RMI to climb Rainier, with no interest to learn how to climb or doing climbing beyond that one trip up the mountain. For around $1000 you get only one day of instruction (mostly self-arrest practice), and a hand-holding up the mountain with a bit of security knowing you are with experienced folks and a backup system in the event of an accident or emergency.
  8. CBS hits it right on the head. A lot of students have never stepped foot on a trail before, yet alone climbed anything. They take the mountaineers course as a deep plunge, headfirst, into the world of climbing. Those groups of 12 you see on the Coleman-Deming, Eldorado, Sulphide Glacier, etc. are probably on their first or second climb *ever*. And a good number of them take the class and never climb again - it was a novelty to try out, or they just figured it took too much time, or was not for them in the first place. Others move on and climb on their own. And a few others become instructors and leaders. And of the instructors and leaders, many are 2nd-4th year climbers, who will move on themselves. Only a few stick with the organization beyond that. I'd say the ratios are something like 9:2:1 (worst case) down to 6:2:1 (more typical).
  9. thank you for proving how insane you liberal nut jobs really are.
  10. buttlickers
  11. KaskadskyjKozak

    Jury duty

    Someone I know got called up and ended up being in the room where perspective jurors were questioned by the lawyers. One guy sat down, took a look at the plaintiff, pointed, and said "that guy over there looks guilty as hell!". The judge went ballistic and chewed the guy out... but let him go.
  12. settle down, Beavis
  13. If they'll nice they'll wait until after the holidays... letting everybody worry about them over the holidays is much kinder I was laid off once on December 15 (the profit wasn't as large as they'd hoped!) , and once on January 7 (the company was going down the tubes) It can come at anytime for any reason. Plan on it. yep. or for no discernible reason at all.
  14. Darn, I thought this thread would be about eating shrooms and listening to the Piper at the Gates of Dawn
  15. having nightmares about Room 101 again, Winston?
  16. don't count on it. I once had a Christmas surprise - laid off Dec 23rd as a part of a site closure. It was all about the balance sheet.
  17. he's got more of his toes left than I expected. I thought he had lost 7 toes... looks like just some tips.
  18. every time I am offline from this list, I get a phantom pain but, wait, I have the same pain when I am on it.
  19. If I was from Enumclaw, I'd be able to spell it. there's a serious flaw in that logic
  20. what catches tvashie's eye I'm sensing a little fixation, here. Just go with it, Krakatoa. Let it out. Or should I say, take it in? (I'll autograph that photo for you if you want. You little groupie, you) Krakatoa, Tvashtar Catena, ... seems you're the one fixated on dirty, muddy holes.
  21. you will not weasel out of it so easy: what catches tvashie's eye
  22. Oh, CocoKrispies, you're just mad cuz I've got still got your lunch money. Technical question: Is the tub warm or cold? Seems like reality would not live up to expectation either way. Tvashie: you need to change your sig quote. You're too busy looking at the pillow you're biting to see any stars.
  23. did you get his John HanCock?
  24. you are right. tvashie is definitely the type into "water sports"
  25. or that they will suddenly, inevitably "snap" some day
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