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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. It's fundamentally wrong to double-, triple-, and quadruple tax. To all you statists that disagree:
  2. Land lost would be offset by land gained - that is, land in a climate previously too cold to grow crops.
  3. Do condoms count as boots? If you're gonna die, toss the condom man
  4. If you're gonna die, die with your boots on.
  5. Don't bring facts into the discussion, Jay. It's just not fair! Time for the Demo-Liberals to resume their mantra "tax cuts for the rich" to restore their sense of serenity and self-delusion.
  6. Who is number 1?
  7. you are what you eat
  9. we tried that already in Florida
  10. there was a slight Dem majority in the Senate when we got into Iraqifuckistan
  11. go lick some more stamps, hippy
  12. The weak minded are easily amused.
  13. you'll never get it. it's not about how "great" the Republicrats are or aren't. the cuntry's run by 2 Oligarchies and those who cheer at the prospect of a slight shift in power as if it were some earthshattering revolution are utterly clueless f**ks who make GWB look like a genius.
  14. And yet the liberals repeatedly deny there is a media bias.
  15. There will be no wholesale tossing out of a "trainload" of Republicans you stupid ass. At best there would be just enough loss of "close races" to barely shift the balance of power. You'll still have to contend with close to 50% of congress populated by the people you hate so much - and you'll still have to deal with Bush. Choke on that.
  16. a lot? right. just barely enough to get a slim majority. maybe. the results of the election will be... underwhelming
  17. drink motherf***er, drink motherf***r, drink motherf***r, drink
  18. does that involve frogs? leave the French out of this
  19. It's ambigous: it could be oral, vaginal, or anal.
  20. Yes, I am a pro. I'm paid to be bored.
  21. entertain me.
  22. I thought only bulimics and fat chicks eat Haagen-Dazs?
  23. Are you sure it was the ants that ate your shirt?
  24. Pinedale Mountain Man Rendezvous '78. Jack, Cosmo, and I consumed five fifths (two JC 1800, three Myers Dark Rum) over the course of an evening while climbing every tall sign over a business in town. I awoke the next morning shirtless where I'd fallen - atop a small ant-hill; the little fuckers had eaten a 3"X 3" patch out of my back. I didn't feel a thing. Wow, you climbed sign posts with Kramer?
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