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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. they'll be close in the rankings - the ones generated by presidential historians. you'll see. here's wikipedia's version. you can dig deeper. Clinton is not too impressive. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historical_rankings_of_United_States_Presidents
  2. Note to self: whistle loudly while using an open, backcountry shitter.
  3. dude, you are fucking nuts. my advice is go cold turkey on the politics for a while
  4. The world paid lip service and "commiserated" with us in public shows of political blathering/diplomatic double-talk. They would have done NOTHING of substance to help us in the "war against terror" (I hate that fucking term, BTW). I call bullshit on both points. Again, bullshit. Carter and Clinton caused true damage to our military. If anyone broke it, it was them. Bush 41 damaged it as well. Not the first deficit spender. Every president since LBJ or Nixon has done so. Clinton turned around but only through pressure of a Republican congress and by massively raising taxes. And congress is equally complicit in all of Bush's budgets. Like the nuclear non-proliferation treaty? Seems he's been fighting for that quite consistently. The point by point gets tiresome. The fact is you will not modify nor MODERATE your view points. Hyperbole and hysterionics does nothing to support your arguments. Bush is not THE WORST PRESIDENT EVER (wringing of hands, shrieking, pulling of hair). Get over it. You dislike him and everything he believes in. Maybe you hate him. And you fail to recognize that personal aversion induces a exagerrated, blurred view of him. Most annoying is how you and the assclowns on this site assume that people who challenge or disagree with you, think they must take the exact opposite polar view, when, in fact, the evidence does not support this whatsoever. To whit, the view people who fall to the right of you on this site is not that BUSH IS THE GREATEST PRESIDENT whatsoever, but just ho-hum. And judged from an historical perspective, his actions are hardly out of the norm on anything you've cited. The only exception to this would be the principle of pre-emptive strike - which is huge. I'll grant that and that alone.
  5. Carter was worse. Much worse.
  6. Yes, I disagree. As I've posted before I believe he is a mediocre president - right behind Bubba in the overall rankings. And I'm sure history will prove me right in a few years.
  7. And just who will decide what is "accurate" - you and other liberal ilk? Sounds like Stalinist-style information control. Fuck that.
  8. STFU, you babbling simpleton.
  9. За здоров'я!
  10. I took a spill in January on a cold clear day thanks to a fucking ice patch turning onto the Eastgate park and ride ramp. I saw the ice and went reallllllly slow and fell anyways. It hurt like hell and I still have black asphalt ground into and under the skin on one knee.
  11. That's not much of an accomplishment; there's nothing entertaining about Kevboner.
  12. I shit on Canuckistan!
  13. I looked into doing the Whitney Trail a few years ago. My recollection was that the lottery system only applied to it, not the Mountaineers route which requires a permit and registration, but has no lottery/reservations. If that's changed, it sucks.
  14. right back at you, Vanya
  15. That's just plain bullshit and you know it. That sort of talk began back in the McCarthy era. The ACLU will defend the right to free speech, even if a person happens to be a communist. It doesn't make the ACLU a communist organization. From the ACLU website: "The ACLU believes in the freedom of thought, inquiry or advocacy by any individual or group regarding a specific economic, social or political philosophy. That position, grounded solely on the nation's tradition of free speech, means no governmental restriction unless there exists a clear and present danger of illegal action." The ACLU are vipers - the worst that lawyers have to offer. They use the weight of law to foist their agenda on the majority, and have no true interest in any purely idealist motives like "free speech". Fuck them.
  16. Price controls are one more (huge) step on the way to serfdom.
  17. Hillary would make a fine 21st century version of Josef Vissarionovich!
  18. Isn't the Mountaineers Route first-come, first-served, with a good chance of getting a permit on the spot?
  19. C'mon, show some class. Class? Like using a child's death for a political campaign of personal destruction, engaging in a seditious game of anti-Americanism, meeting with despicable dictators who are actively trying to undermine us? That kind of class?
  20. If you mean that it states that Cindy Sheehan is a stupid, clueless cunt, then you are absolutely correct.
  21. And never in the history of our nation has this been so succinctly illustrated as under the administration of George W. Bush at the helm of all three branches of government under Republican control. That's funny, the Dems still managed to take control of congress. If Bush had absolute power that never would have occurred, you fucktard.
  22. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
  23. Are you saying that students in private schools work harder than those in public schools? I don't know for a fact, but it is just as likely the other way around. On average, students at top-tier public schools tend to work harder than those at lower-tier public schools, and students with free-ride scholarships often work the least. That's been my experience.
  24. There is no failure - other than you.
  25. You could afford the COBRA premium for the 6-12 months it might take to find a new job? Bwahahaha Unless you have some nasaty pre-existing condition or are old (the people who the healthcare system is failing) it's usually much cheaper for individuals to find their own insurance than to continue on with COBRA You don't need COBRA. Just apply for your own insurance policy - no problem if you have a proof of insurance. Been there; done it. And maybe if you all studied a little harder in school and actually cared about your jobs and career and worked at it - rather than expensive recreation activities and travelling vacations all over the world - you could find work with good benefits.
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