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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. Having to look across the lake at the shit hole known as Seattle. Seattle's a great place to visit, or even work. But unless you're a sewer rat, it just doesn't rate as a place to live.
  2. i'm just sick of snivelling, 19-year-old twats who think suburbia sucks because it doesn't appeal to their superficial, lame, narcissistic, single, partying lifestyle.
  3. fuck off
  4. PNW weather sucks in June
  5. sure... but variety is the spice of life. :-) and, yes, chugging is lame. if you don't like the taste enough to enjoy sipping it, you shouldn't be drinking it. :-)
  6. 2 oz blended scotch 0.5 oz Drambuie add to shaker filled with ice strain into cocktail glass; add lemon twist
  7. Thus rationalize the not-so-well-endowed.
  8. It's all Bush's fault!!!
  9. No need to get faggy... those fancy shakers are great for mixing Manhattans, Rob Roys, and Rusty Nails. I like whisk(e)ys when it's gloomy, and lighter stuff when it's nice out. Although some whiskys are light enough for summer (e.g. Glenlivet 15 year/oak). Laprhoaig is definitely for winter-time...
  10. I like vodka straight with dinner, with good company. It must be premium stuff, and chilled ice cold. Gin is for martinis, and gin and tonics... Recently I've been sipping Caiparinha's after work. My Brazilian co-worker kept talking up cachaca, I tried it, and like it... Maybe I read it wrong but do you have a drink every day? Are you concerned about potential health implications? Nope. A drink a day is good for you. Now go lick sack.
  11. ...ummm....russians?!?
  12. Ketel One is decent stuff. Drevnya Kyivska is comparable. The best I've tried in a long while is Grey Goose. Don't bother with "3 Olives" - it sucks.
  13. I'm reading this book now. I fucking hate Micro$oft and their microserfs!
  14. I like vodka straight with dinner, with good company. It must be premium stuff, and chilled ice cold. Gin is for martinis, and gin and tonics... Recently I've been sipping Caiparinha's after work. My Brazilian co-worker kept talking up cachaca, I tried it, and like it...
  15. Traditionally Martinis are 5:1 or so (Gin:Vermouth). These days people are using less and less vermouth. The extreme is "wave a bottle of Vermouth next to the cocktail glass". Lame. If you put almost no vermouth in, you're just drinking Gin, watered a bit from the ice. Ditto for Vodka martinis. Discuss.
  16. Ronnie James !!!!
  17. and that's what these weirdos did
  18. It's all Bush's fault.
  19. June is not even half over. WTF???
  20. Sorry, I just had a dram of Scotch and a couple glasses of champagne and don't give a rats ass about the Bush Doctrine, and goofy political arguments on a climbing b-board right now.
  21. It is you who attribute that that is the goal of the current administration, and that "conservative supporters" (a misattribution with lots of shades of meaning) buy in to this goal. Neither is true. Again you overreach and fabricate and undermine your own legitimacy and persuasiveness. The hyperbole indicates desperation, irrationality and possibly worse. There's plenty to be critical of any administration. There are valid points to be made, but you guys regularly go far beyond the pale.
  22. You just proved the point I made in my reply to mattp, you stupid left-wing nutjob. Because I reject your hysterical hyperbole about how evil and bad Bush is, does not make me a "diehard Bush lover", devotee of "Neocon" philosophy or anything else you state in your blathering diatribe. My comments about him have been nothing but lukewarm at best. You are a perfect example of how Bush hating fanatism has driven many on "your side" beyond pure irrationality and into mental insanity.
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