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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. I know that. But they are rarely used for eating disorders like obsessive eating. They need to be. Are you telling me that in America, where the diet industry is multi multi multi millions of dollars, shrinks haven't decided that charging a hundred bucks an hour to talk to fat people might be a good idea? Program for lard asses: eat less; exercise more.
  2. STFU, clownpuncher! Who gives a rat's ass what someone wrote you in a PM.
  3. Yeah, right, "People's Democratic Republican" is more like it.
  4. Woah. I guess LA really does have a higher than average cancer rate Yeah, brain cancer. Explains all the conservatives running around SoCal and the gem politicians like Ronnie and Dickie And it explains your degeneration
  5. 99% tumor tissue
  6. 99% tumor tissue
  7. recumbent bikes are geh
  8. Woah. I guess LA really does have a higher than average cancer rate Yeah, brain cancer.
  9. Factoria. Loehman's plaza. There's a Starbucks by a QFC a few hundreds meters from... another Starbucks.
  10. Amateur. Bellevue - where the women are strong, the men are good looking, and even the Starbucks is near a Starbucks. Like the T-Mobile plaza?
  11. Trip: Dragontail - Colchuck Glacier Date: 6/17/2007 Trip Report: After canceling a Shuksan/Fisher Chimneys climb due to an awful forecast on Friday I and two friends got really bummed and began looking for better weather options on Saturday for a one-day climb Sunday. We settled on Dragontail figuring if the weather didn't look good, we could just crag along icicle. The forecast called for no rain in Leavenworth and a chance of showers up in the high country. Two friend and I carpooled up to the Colchuck Lake TH on Sat night. We did an early wakeup and hit the trail at just after 5 am. The weather was looking promising, with some thin whispy (but gray) clouds blowing over us. We got to Colchuck at 7 am, and the winds picked up a bit, with whitecaps on the lake. There were some clouds sitting on top of the summits of Dragontail and Colchuck at about the 8000 foot level. Aasgard pass looked clear, but it was melted out and ugly looking. Colchuck col was in and out of clouds at the top, but the snow pack extended all the way to the lake on one side and looked more sporty, so decided to go for it. Right before heading up we met a solo hiker who was going up Colchuck via one of the couloirs (some buttress or another). Nice guy. He didn't like the look of the weather as far as summit views went but it didn't seem to phase him w/r/t his plans to summit. That encouraged us too. We made good time up to the col. The snow conditions were not too great though. There was a think layer of newer snow on top of a thin layer of hard pack on top of ice. Two of us had aluminum crampons which did not do as well on the snow as the other party-member with G-12's. More on this later. The temps low were in the 40's. As we approached the col it got windy and ugly. With wind chill it was below freezing. After eating, drinking and resting a few minutes, we were all chilled and shivering so we headed up. We dropped down 150 feet, and headed left up the snow couloir on the left. Our route descriptions all said to ascend the steep (40 degree) couloir to a notch - Pandora's box. The snow conditions here were awful, and the couloir narrows and winds with rocks below. The 30 mph gusts of wind didn't help. We ascended and ascended and hit the ridge on the south face! Elevation was about 8700 feet. No obvious notch. WTF is pandora's box? We whipped out our GPSs. Apparently we were 1500 feet from the summit as a crow flies. None of us had been there before. After looking around we concluded we had gone too high up the couloir. So, we descended a few hundred feet. It was slow going with the snow conditions and our crampons. We had to face the slope for a few icy bits. Pucker factor = 8/10. Down lower we scrambled to a notch in the ridge and looked over. There was no obvious way to scramble down and to the left as described in our route descriptions. We scrambled back to the couloir and looked at the ridge and all the "notches", reread our route descriptions. No luck. Time to bail. F**k! In a few minutes we were back to the col. We had awesome glissading all the way to the lake. We then met the solo hiker mentioned above. He had route finding issues too up on Colchuck but did summit. He told us that he had done the exact same thing as us the year before on Dragontail - winding up in a dead-end at the end of that couloir, so we felt a little better. The hike out was uneventful. As soon as I got home, I went online looking for pictures of Pandora's Box. I still don't know exactly how far up that damn couloir to go to get to it. Gear Notes: Ice axe, helmet, crampons. Approach Notes: Colchuck Lake trail 100% snow-free. Snow extends to lake down from the Colchuck glacier, but not for long.
  12. Cool, don't come down here to climb anymore.
  13. Another Bellevue vs. Seattle difference. Do an online web search of registered sex offenders living in the vicinity of a Bellevue address and then a Seattle address. Big difference if you are raising kids.
  14. I'll defend life in most of the suburbs - Shoreline, Kenmore/Bothell, Issaquah, and Bellevue. Not Mercer Island though.
  15. That's funny that's exactly how I feel about people who live in Seattle, and Seattlite values. I lived in Seattle from 1992-1998, and I was always embarassed to have lived in a place like that. I have plenty of anecdotes about Seattlites as well. To each his own, my friend. EXACTLY. If climbing IS your life, you have no life. As I said, narcissistic singles with no real responsibilities. You think hard-working folks who have "made" it are shallow, selfish, and superficial. Look in the goddamn mirror. This is all just something to think about; who knows, in 20 yeas I might be living next door to you, giving my life away to make my boss richer in order to pay for my fancy hover car and pool. Again with the jealousy thing from people who just can't "rate". I don't own a pool, and drive a normal economy sedan. It's a 2000, and I'll drive it until it's totally destroyed. No new car for me every three years. Most of my money goes to normal living expenses, mortgage, taxes, and savings for retirement and college educations. So shove your stereotypes up your ass. Once you've worked for 15 years, and see that most people live like that and not some luxury life then we can talk. Of course, there are some who live as you suggest - and they are not just on the eastside. They stand out. The vast majority live modestly and work and pay their bills like everyone else. BTW, there are plenty of rich fucks in the Seattle-city limits. Take a look around the upscale neighborhoods. And don't neglect to notice all those fancy boutiques downtown.
  16. what a load of bullshit. SUV's? They are everywhere, not just Bellevue. I recently interviewed for a job in downtown Seattle and the parking garage was full of SUVs - hogging up all the compact spots. Personally, I have never owned an SUV, and neither do many of my neighbors. And so what if we did, or do? Some of us have families and actually use those extra seats in our cars - we aren't all narcissistic singles. Go to college and get a successful job? Sounds like sour grapes from a loser who can't compete. All there is to life? Pray tell, what is there to life? Promiscuous sex with partner after partner? Drinking and partying in bars? Listening to your favorite alternative band live? Working a dead-end meaningless job? Or maybe you're lookin for man to take care of you, and in the meantime, you'll just have fun? Most people grow up beyond this 18-25 lifestyle, raise families and move to suburbia for better schools, nicer neighborhoods, and benefits like parks that aren't taken over by the local bums, school districts that are actually good, and reasonable taxes.
  17. The Bellevue public school system is one of the best in the nation. Seattle's public school system sucks ass - and they have higher property taxes to boot. All par for the course for tax and spend liberals (with nothing to show for their expenditures).
  18. Hey John Frieh, fuck off and die.
  19. STFU, nOOb!
  20. higher fertility rates directly correlate with lower education yeah, Bellevue's population is so "uneducated".
  21. Having to look across the lake at the shit hole known as Seattle. Seattle's a great place to visit, or even work. But unless you're a sewer rat, it just doesn't rate as a place to live. That shit is solid gold! I can't remember the last time I laughed that hard... thanks KK! Hey KK: when you travel outside of Washington do you say you are from Bellevue or Seattle? And if you say Bellevue how many people say "where is that"? What's the difference? Ask an average American to point out Seattle on a map of the United states, and you'll find few that know where it is.
  22. ...maybe he ain't gettin' any bellevue barbie action! Bellevue Barbie? Do you have any clue what the Bellevue/Redmond demographics are like today, you clueless fuck?
  23. Having to look across the lake at the shit hole known as Seattle. Seattle's a great place to visit, or even work. But unless you're a sewer rat, it just doesn't rate as a place to live. Geeze I hope the weather improves and people get out and climb! I worked for a dot com company that imploded into a mall boutique shop. I was one of the people asked to stay on. I spent a week helping set up a store in the Bellevue Mall. There was some Disney deal going on and about a trillion screaming kids running about. I spent more time in the back bowels of the mall than the outter store front area. I stayed in a seedy hotel quite a long way away. 6 years later I can pass by malls without having flashbacks and panic attacks. However, doing a run every AM in the opposite direction of the mall and flea bag hotel helped. -r give me a fucking break. so what you are complaining about are: 1) people with their kids - you reinforce my points above. live your narcissistic lifestyle. someday you might grow up. otherwise you'll stick with the masses of overgrown teenagers 2) Bellevue has a mall with boutique-style shops - uhh, so does Seattle, you assclown and at least Bellevue isn't overrun with fuckin' homeless losers, nor smell of stale urine. And you can park in Bellevue without paying $20 a day.
  24. i'm just sick of snivelling, 19-year-old twats who think suburbia sucks because it doesn't appeal to their superficial, lame, narcissistic, single, partying lifestyle. KockAssSuckingDick...you are a tool...bellevue f-ing blows...it takes me goddamn an hour to drive 12 miles to work... Ride a bike, lardass.
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