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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. Yeah, if he gets over-zealous with the killing, we're gonna need more people. Hey for once Schultzy managed to post without more typos than sentences.
  2. when you pick up your permit for the climb ($22) you will get a pass to park your vehicle at the Sno Park - so it is included in the fee.
  3. I would "speculate" that the hatred espoused by members of this forum against Christians, Bush, and a myriad of others exemplifies intolerance and makes this world a much worse place to live in.
  4. anything is better than Javascript
  5. Falwell's rhetoric was annoying and pompous, but revelling in his death is disgusting. You assholes should be ashamed of yourselves.
  6. Twice a week, 12 miles each eay
  7. Javascript is evil and it sucks ass.
  8. +1 on the Scarpa Mantas - they kick ass!
  9. that story is so old...circulating the interweb for years
  10. Well I coughed up the $22 in the end and went. Got a beautiful weather window Sat morning, and clouds rolled in when I was almost all the way down. I never saw a ranger or anyone checking for permits. The permit system sucks ass - just gov't fleecing us because the CAN.
  11. you guys need to get off the computer... and, well, get off
  12. rockfall icefall falling
  13. Not catholic but at least he got a brain. Wow....its all lies in the catholic church...have you not seen "the Da Vinci Code"? Never seen it. Is it good? It got 25% on rottentomatoes.com
  14. there's more to life than obsessing about politics and your hatred of political adversaries
  15. how often do you ride to work..? Don't encourage the Kevboner troll by engaging him in dialogue...
  16. Juan Valdez?
  17. I agree, but there are more costs associated with commuting than just fuel, namely the car itself, maintenance, and insurance. Yeah, and you pay for all that crap whether you drive-commute or not. Maintenance costs are lower if you drive less, but you still pay insurance, tabs, and car payments until you own. That makes bussing/using public transit less attractive - esp. when the cost is close to the cost of driving.
  18. I'm biking tomorrow, so y'all can lick sack
  19. Reminds me of something I read years ago about Black Death Vodka, popularized by Johnny Fever's t-shirt (from WKRP in Cincinnati). If I recall correctly, the vodka brand is(or was made) illegal in the states due to its name and association with death. WTF?!
  20. there used to be...
  21. no fuck you. you supported this administration and their energy policy. so eat shit and live now biatch All right troll, here goes. According to some of the response I've seen above and in other related thread DEMO/LIBERAL social engineers actually *want* higher prices. They savor the idea of $4/gallon or more - just like in Euro-Utopia-Socialism land. If only gas prices were *even higher* then all those evil car-driving, CO2-emitting Americans would change their driving habits, taking buses and riding bicycles, and we would be so much greener and eco-friendly. Thus, those who oppose Bush want higher gas prices then we have now under Bush and would support such policies. And "supporting Bush" would equate to lower gas prices, relatively speaking. Put that in your (crack) pipe and smoke it.
  22. yep. it's utterly pathetic to see a guy act like such a pussy just in the hope of getting his dick wet
  23. i lost all of my dignity praying to the porcelain god at some point between midnight and 6 am this morning. Tokillya Did you eat the worm?
  24. Yeah, but it's so lame to resurrect threads that have run their course already
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