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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. In many ways those were the best politicians ever. I love Nixon's line, "I am not a crook." Ford used to fall down stairs and didn't Carter get attacked by a rabbit and he had an idiot brother named Billy. Now there's some cool shit. It's hard to top that with a power team from both parties. I'd say Bubba and Shrub have sunk to new lows far below the assclowns of the 70's.
  2. The dusting of snow we all saw in the morning melted out by noon. The rock was pretty dry by then.
  3. They had two beginners with them - first timers on any alpine rock.
  4. Trip: Silver Star - Burgundy Col Date: 6/23/2007 Trip Report: For three weekends in a row my plans have been shot to hell. This weekend was our "backup" to do Fuhrer Finger from two weeks ago, and last weekend was supposed to be Shuksan. Our Fuhrer finger team searched for a decent weather alternative and settled on Silver Star peak. My friend and I carpooled up to WA pass Friday night. The weather sucked all the way in. Darrington, Marblemount, Diablo Lake... it only good worse. We were afraid we'd be SOL after all. There was a break in rain finally just after Rainy Pass. It didn't look promising though. We arrived at the Lone Fir campground at around 10 pm and threw down a tent and crashed. Unfortunately cars were rolling in for the next 90 minutes... spaced just enough to keep us from falling asleep. Then one group of oblivions in the next site lit a friggin' bonfire and began carousing until I went over to ask them to STFU... time 1 am. It rained on and off all night and finally stopped before dawn. I got no sleep. When my alarm went off at 4am, I was relieved. We headed to the turnout on Hwy 20 at 5 and met two other climbers who drove up later and hit the trail. The sky looked OK - could go either way. It was cold, all the peaks had a dusting of snow, and there were whispy clouds all around. One group was there to climb Burgundy Spire and opted out after looking up at it from the road. The downclimb from the embankment sucked because we didn't find the "trail" down (we found it coming back). The stream crossing was a piece of cake. Then began the brutal, steep, scree slog up to the col. It got worse and worse. We had one routefinding issue up high - where we lost 30 minutes because we waited too long to traverse right. The snow ramp down the col was steep and hard. We faced the slope and backed down. A Mountie party of 5 was there descending a hand line from a picket. We traversed and ascended to the scramble route and met 2 guys coming down. There were no crevasses open and we never roped up. The Mountie guys actually got there as we did and headed up first and set up a handline. We scrambled to within 30 feet of the summit - all fun easy class 3 stuff, and then waited out the bottleneck at the last 30 feet. There is one or two moves - class 4 or low 5 right there. Once the bottlenece cleared, we summited. The weather had gotten better all day. The views were awesome. There's still a lot of snow up in the surrounding mountains. Most of the peaks were clear of clouds - but not Baker or Shuksan (at least the peaks we believed to be those two mountains). After the Mounties rapped down, we followed. One other group of 2 was ascending at that time. So, a total of 13 people on the mountain on a glorious day. Regaining the col was easy. We had a few good but short glissades. From the col down to the TH was completely brutal and unforgiving. My knees hate me. All in all a damn fine day. Gear Notes: Ice axe, rope, helmet. Carried crampons but never really needed them.
  5. Don Rickles
  6. True on all points. And I personally fail to see any substantive difference between Bellevue Square and Westlake Center.
  7. to each his own, I moved from SD to here
  8. I lived in Cali 23 years, bra'
  9. The latter occurs all the time, you assclown.
  10. Would the moderators please ban Seahawks and Kevboner? For the love of God, make it stop!
  11. San Diego is prettier and much nicer than LA or OC, but life in the Puget Sound can not be beat.
  12. true. the girls are fat, pasty white and not so attractive. Gee, I thought the Eastside was full of "Bellevue Barbies". Make up your fucking minds, people. BTW, there's far too many Indians and Asians on the East side to make your characterization of "pasty white" even remotely true. And people on the Eastside, like in Seattle proper, are generally pretty damn fit compared to other parts of the state - or country for that matter. As for those "hot chicks" in SoCal - I lived there 5 years and it's a fucking myth that they are the hottest girls. The women in Seattle and suburbs are far hotter.
  13. :lmao:Dudeā€¦.quit with that climbing talk. This is the slam seahawk thread. Seahawks: go climb something, and please take Kevboner with you.
  14. NOT. Nothing in the Puget Sound even vaguely resembles the hell that is LA or Orange County.
  15. Traditionally Freon was used as a blowing agent in foam production, but alternatives are being phased in to replace it. Much of the foam used in ice chests is polyurethane. Some of the gas comes from the chemical reaction in the form of C02 and the rest is added agent such as n-pentane. the thread-killer strikes again
  16. that most people think that ozone holes and global warming are connected when they are not..? they blur one shrill doomsday scenario into another....
  17. Sometimes 49% of the people get to set the agenda.
  18. Why do you hate Mother Earth?
  19. Everyone: go get a damn life already!
  20. That's just fucking brilliant! I've NEVER heard that argument before! You're so original!
  21. Shit! That means I sent about 200,000,000 potential Fairweathers spiraling to their deaths down the shower drain just this morning! too... much... information
  22. My life doesn't revolve around what Bush or Pelosi or any DC politician is doing.
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