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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. Exactly (on all three points).
  2. and if you define kkk as an idiot, then his opinion has very little merit. the concept of marriage isn't exclusively christian, so saying christian notions need to prevail is asenine. i might draw the line at legitimizing marriage to non-humanoid animals though (cuz how can you be sure rover really isn't being forced into it with threats of a bath, or being fed cat fud?). eat a bag of dicks, SC
  3. Good point. No, it's not a good point. If you define marriage as "between a man and a woman" both gay marriage and polygamy are equally wrong. Personally I'd like to see the state *out* of religious marriage, and religion *out* of civil unions. A church should not need a "marriage license" to wed a couple (or whatever) and the state should only define the legal contract bound between individuals (or groups thereof).
  4. +1 I've noticed it too.
  5. well don't feel too bad. the weather this w/e is gonna suck ass, so the only ones suffering will be those in the icicle, not in the cubicle.
  6. Really? Gonna go with the intellect argument here? You realize Stephen Hawking isn't the president right? Patty Murray makes W look like Albert Einstein.
  7. Summary: climbing Rainier is too hard, dangerous and unpleasant. Stay home. (less people means more fun for the rest of us... )
  8. Man, you are dense.
  9. Her "handlers" prepared whatever statement/teleprompter she read from. but then how did those handlers know it would be a debacle??? they were rooting for failure. Or they studied Cheney's speech from 1995...... Mo Rocca should have studied Cheney's past jokes, 'cos Cheney smoked him last night.
  10. Her "handlers" prepared whatever statement/teleprompter she read from. but then how did those handlers know it would be a debacle??? they were rooting for failure.
  11. Good question. I don't know. I'd be willing to guess however that whatever "rescue" RuMR needed his partner would be able to handle and vice versa.
  12. Not really. I'm sure quite a few people don't bother to learn this stuff. And calling it rinky dink is insulting to those teaching the classes. Many of them with experience that may actually surpass your own (GASP). DON'TCHA THINK? Montana Dude: quit while you are behind. This is painful to watch. RuMR: why do you torment everyone so?
  13. Her "handlers" prepared whatever statement/teleprompter she read from.
  14. KaskadskyjKozak


    is this a fancier way of saying bullshit? i was not immediately making the connection between me and members of the artiodactyla order... no, it's just a fancier way of (jokingly) accusing you of having predilections similar to those of Dru and his countrymen.
  15. KaskadskyjKozak


    especially in the lower GI-tract of even-toed ungulates of the Ovis genus.
  16. you should have been a lawyer
  17. the woman running for office doesn't look like she's gonna be in it much longer. damn, though, she can throw back a shot of whiskey!
  18. "Vote for me and I'll give you sum free shit*" rocks. I wouldn't vote for Grampa McCain if he were the last politician on earth. Umm, I thought you didn't vote period.
  19. how can you tell... with your head so far up your...
  20. we spend more capita on students with worse results compared to most of the industrialized nations of the world. there's something real to complain about here.
  21. thanks for the heads-up FF. have a nice weekend - and hope your weather is not as bad as forecast. (it was soooo nice last w/e).
  22. You and me. 6 am this Sat. Tiger Mtn TH.
  23. Is that before or after the turnout for Eldorado, do you know off hand?
  24. I am curious how teachers fighting for more pay makes the school system worse or un-good? I work for an increase every year, and I do not see a connection between that and the organization I work for needing to be "fixed". Archie: please get back to work so you can help pay for my kid's school. The teachers need a pay increase next year, so if you could do some overtime, or moonlight, that would be great. Thanks.
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