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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. BPA is a synthetic chemical that mimics estrogen, and under certain conditions trace amounts may leach out of the plastics in nalgene. The effective concentration of the said estrogen mimetic is probably at least several orders of magnitude lower than the threshold determined to have adverse health effects in animal studies, as is the frequency of the dose. The BPA that leaches from any plastic container under any circumstances will probably also have an effect on the genes governed by estrogen receptors that is also many orders of magnitude lower than the effect induced by the average meal of tofu, or any other dietary source of phytoestrogens. If you are concerned enough to replace your Nalgene bottles on account of the risks outlined above, please hang on to them for me as I'd be glad to purchase them from you for $0.50 per bottle. I need to stock up so that I'll have enough to last for a while.... and yet, it's enough to cause mass hysteria, pulling items off of shelves (CYA), and the greedy vultures are circling...
  2. I certainly will not be tossing mine in the trash.
  3. That's gotta be the ignorant statement of the year, or at least the day. There are a lot of obnoxious and a few even criminal trial lawyers out there, but our legal system is built on the idea that the private citizens can bring their issues before a court and there are generally two (sometimes more) distinct sides to any question. Trial lawyers are essential for civil society unless you want to have some centralized top-down structure for the resolution of all disputes and claims. There's nothing ignorant about it at all. We have too many lawyers (vultures) looking to make money first, fuck if it is right or wrong.
  4. funny, i assumed it was going to be about this pix my bro-in-law had recently sent me: if only cheney would dress like this, i could like him more I'll bet you would. sickie
  5. the photo of boner made you toss your lunch? you mean you didn't? i quickly looked away before it all came up
  6. I thought this was going to be another thread about Dick C. and the Bush admin.
  7. when I read "female-pattern baldness" I think of a landing strip.
  8. the photo of boner made you toss your lunch?
  9. Your results: You are Green Lantern Green Lantern 95% Iron Man 90% Hulk 80%
  10. Kirk Cameron - left behind. indeed.
  11. KaskadskyjKozak


    Don't drink the water.
  12. my back hairs are suddenly all a tingle.
  13. You've been studied muslim culture too much. Note to self: do not touch Archie's left hand.
  14. I bought a Cadillac Escalade.
  15. just a cap?
  16. Baseball is great for kids. as for climbing... well, got my 6 year old some shoes and we'll be hitting VW!
  17. I clued Gregg in to this thread. His comments on the "imperfections": "It's true most of the early panos have noticeable imperfections - we are going back to 2000 here, with slides scanned into digital images. Later ones are a lot better, basically due to better software, and better lenses. Although not necessarily more expensive lenses - the used Canon S70 point-and-shoot I bought (eg Vesper) has a great pano lens. A couple of the panos (KoolAid morning, Skyline Divide Sunrise) are indeed certifiably "perfect". They have been accepted by the flickr "Perfect Panoramas" group!"
  18. the Poles call them pierogis. never will forget the day i learned to make the pierogis - was listening to clinton's impeachment preceeding for the hours it took to make damn near a thousand of those tasty bastards! you should be able to make at least 100 in 2 hours... so 1000 would be 20 hours, unless you were amp'd on meth or something
  19. yes. i see it too.
  20. Could someone find my testicles so I can get out and climb something hard? TIA.
  21. Actually, I'd say W sucks and Carter swallows. spitters are always worse so, you dislike Hilary even more?
  22. apparently not come on, what carter is doing is NOT treason. treason is selling nuclear secrets to the bad guys, putting on their uniform, killing your fellow countrymen w/ your own hands, etc. Read the linked article. What he did in N. Korea was treason. Period. The Soviet/Chinese/etc dissidents do not even compare to Carter. Indeed most victims of Commie oppression hardly did anything that can remotely be construed as treasonous. Fuck, look what they did to Shostakovich. Carter deserves getting called a traitor, just as does that fuck McDermott.
  23. I guess I don't have the same question ( I could care less about how Obama lines up with Carter). But I does make me wonder how honest Obama has been in his campaign speak (well he is a politician, so he must not be honest, right). I thought he was campaigning with the "Speak to our enemies" platform, and I thought Hamas was in power because of a democratic process? His statements in this case don't line up. Is the process of voting all that matters, or do the nature of the regime voted into office and the institutional framework it subsequently establishes for governing the country and exercising power over the population who cast the votes factor into the analysis of regimes that come into power via popular elections? it's all about how we "feel" about a candidate. does he/she look like a good guy/gal?
  24. Actually, I'd say W sucks and Carter swallows.
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