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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. methinks that if a Nalgene bottle flies by your head it's more likely that someone put it down on the snow or ground next to them and it took off, rather than the lid strap breaking.
  2. she must eat a lot cherries That is not what I am looking for in that vicinity. not a fan of cherry pie? poppin' cherries?
  3. Is that the 'back door' to Hood?
  4. It's almost as good as "I be concubinin'!"
  5. i think YOU should lose your passport. it's you and your ilk that are destroying this country, as evidenced by the last 8 years. Some rare deviations from the Buddhist-seance-tone in the last couple of posts... the birds are no longer chirping, Jay. It's snowing for heaven's sake!
  6. i think YOU should lose your passport. it's you and your ilk that are destroying this country, as evidenced by the last 8 years. ORLY!! well I think YOU and YOUR ILK should lose YOUR passport!!!!! neener neener neener!!!!
  7. get a sense of humor, tittie boy
  8. in Florida
  9. I'm at a loss as to why we sent such a small diplomatic delegation for these important talks. At a minimum Carter should have been accompanied by Jim McDermott and Sean Penn.
  10. Men are from Mars, women are from Venus.
  11. Last year I took my friend up to Mountaineers Dome to teach him how to place pro, do some mock leads etc. Besides us there were just two other guys doing some easy leads. About an hour later a couple rolls in with their three kids. They are all noisy as hell, including the "father". He walks right up to us and says "I guess we've ruined your quiet day, ha ha". He then proceeded to set up a top rope, and make as much noise and be as obnoxious as possible with his kids. To be honest, I don't think the kids made any noise at all by comparison to this total fucking jackass. We finished the pitch we were on and moved up the hill to the easy 5.2 and 5.6 cracks up high just to get away from this asshole.
  12. FWIW, I've heard similar stories about RMI guides on Rainier acting like total assholes.
  13. Now I question why Obama wants this job so badly.
  14. You and SOD: Fuck the middle east There's too many problems They just get in the way We sure could live without them They hijack our planes They raise our oil prices We'll kill them all and have a ball And end their fuckin' crisis BEIRUT, LEBANON-Won't exist once we're done LIBYA, IRAN-We'll flush the bastards down the can SYRIANS and SHIITES-Crush their faces with our might Then Israel and Egypt can live in peace without these dicks
  15. Thermogenesis!
  16. thanks, Cliff
  17. you scornful tease
  18. Welcome back to the sandbox, Minx!
  19. so much for you "cheeriness"... sun is gone, birds are no longer chirping. i said it with a big smile on my face, russkie boy. tsk, tsk, he's Bitter Cocoa Boy today.
  20. Clipping a water bottle on to your harness is a geek-trend only surpassed by shorts over polypro. Maybe you should wear one of these Metolius bad boys: combination gear sling and hydration thang....you can safely suck down all the Red Bull you want while you're hangdoggin' before your desperate lunge for next the clip at Li'l Si or wherever...zzzzzz Does it have extra loops for the bolt drill, and bolting hardware?
  21. so much for you "cheeriness"... sun is gone, birds are no longer chirping.
  22. I believe it is correct... nobody up until now has fallen in. I was talking with someone up there last year and they said a dog had fallen in though.
  23. hysterectomies are acts of god? why'd they get an hysterectomy? Shit, somehow Kevbone found out Underworld's login.
  24. possible, but not natural So you oppose artificial insemination or other types of fertility treatments for childless couples seeking to have a baby? It's not "natural" after all. And drugs to treat illnesses. Those are often synthetic, and not "natural", so we can't administer them to the sick? The whole "natural" argument is a losing one and problematic. "Marriage" is a loaded term, so I prefer something like "Civil Union" and it can be defined legally according to however the state (as represented by the people) wants to. The word "natural" would not be a part of that definition.
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