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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. You never know... there could very well be some tombs to rob there
  2. Valley of the Kings?
  3. This morning I expelled a fair quantity of type 5. It was foul and reminded me of GGK.
  4. Weird, I thought baseball was like getting castrated with a dull butter knife.... Why does this coming from you not surprise me? Because you have no sense of humor
  5. Weird, I thought baseball was like getting castrated with a dull butter knife....
  6. Cool! Looks like you stayed left of the s-shaped gully and went straight up?
  7. No.. actually there's a similar number of registered vehicles as guns in the US. There ARE more guns, but it's not by much. Wow that's a crazy statistic. However, my point still stands. People are out driving cars all day long every day, in comparison guns don't get used much. if guns don't get used much, they don't need regulated much...i mean if we follow your original logic Look, guns ARE regulated, and so are cars. Cars may be regulated more, but they are used more and are involved in more death and damage to property.
  8. Oh man... I've got bad news for you. I'm guessing you're about 45-50...? he's >>50 and you are right... talk about "out of touch" with the younger generation growing up today...
  9. You're worried about homelessness? Good God, man, there are people out there with substandard health insurance! There's nothing another gov't program can't solve. No more homeless! And it will be 'affordable' too! Hopefully they launch the program with a nifty website - 'getahome.gov'
  10. Is that you making your "Oh Face", Rob? ;-)
  11. You're too mean to kill. And Blanton's will just help keep you preserved (pickled). No bacteria will be able to survive in your body, prolonging your life. But at least you will not be in a hospital - you'll just be on the internet stirring up shit ;-)
  12. Well, Bahrain has an obesity epidemic (almost 30%!) and rates 5th in the world in diabetes -- 15% of the population has it, and it accounts for 5% of all deaths. Cardiovascular deaths account for a third of all other deaths. But I suppose you're right, it's probably their great lifestyle that accounts for their long lives, and not their universal healthcare coverage. Excellent point! I learn so much on cc.com, I hope you guys can tell how appreciative I am I agree with you, we should probably try to model our society after Bahrain Compare these stats to the US, and also to our historical trends over years in these areas. I agree that the rest of the world will soon live like bloated slugs and drain their financial resources extending lives for as long as possible no matter the cost- they just need to hurry up and catch up to us! U. S. A.! U. S. A.!
  13. WOW! This is probably completely unique to the U.S. and obviously a major cause of our outrageously expensive health care system. Quite frankly, it mostly is. You seriously disagree? Is this why countries like Bahrain and Slovenia have a higher life expectancy than us? Probably Europeans live longer because they don't want to, unlike us selfish americans who expect to live into their 80's. Makes sense to me! You've got some awesome ideas! You should consider becoming a writer. yeah, people in Slovenia and Bahrain live just like us. They consume the same # of super-sized #7 meals over the course of 40 years, and warm their car seat and couch with their lard asses just as many hours as the average American! No difference, rob!
  14. Ask GGK
  15. Surely you paid more before the "affordable" care act, FW? I mean, didn't you get more for less $ under Barry's new plan?
  16. Mine was taken away by this president--and then offered back for more than double the price. Affordable? You're delusional. "Affordable" indeed. LOL
  17. You're right, I could have chosen my words better. Not trying to defend the Soviet communist dictators in any way--bastards all. Especially Stalin. But I certainly don't think the people of the former USSR are or were "savages". Just people trying to get through life like the rest of us. The point I was trying to make was that Soviet leaders cared about their own physical survival in some manner. And since they weren't big professors of any sort of afterlife, it stands to reason they wanted to extend their lives as long as possible. Iran's leaders--including the now-gone Ahmadinejad--have professed a belief that their rewards lie in some sort of glorious afterlife. They have also stated publicly that Israel should be wiped off the map. They cannot be trusted with nukes, and I hope that BeBe takes out their program before it's too late. It's hard for me to fathom the darkness that steers someone like Ivan into moral equivalency arguments. Just plain dumb. The Soviets were atheists. If you believe this is "it", you are a bit more averse to launching armageddon than if, say, you believe 72 virgins await you in the afterlife for your righteous holy war
  18. i disagree w/ the notion that it for the usa to decide what weapons other sovereign nations will have. i don't like the rabbit-hole that entails going down, but that is the inevitable result of the libtard-philosophy that nations, like people, should be treated as equals nations are not equals. neithe are people. you don't treat the president the same as Charles Manson. Nor do you treat N. Korea the same as Switzerland. Sorry, just doesn't fly.
  19. I trust Kruschev, Reagan, or Mitterand with a nuclear arsenal any day over Ahmadinejad or his successor. enemies are defined by a lack of trust, so it's a side-show argument my point is it's blatant machiavellianism to assert our rights to have nukes while denying it to others (and blithely ignoring it when israel creates their own) - our nation would never tolerate being dictated to in this fashion - if iran invented a nifty new death-ray but threatened us w/ military strikes if we tried to create one for ourself, we'd go ape-shit, and rightly so. nukes are deeply troubling and there is no ideal solution since the technology can't be un-invented. if we won't give ours up, it's silly to expect nations that percieve us as their enemeies wouldn't want to develop their own. the essential logic of MAD during the cold war worked. iran can have nukes, and i'd hardly be happy about, but that's the bitter-bit. the only thing to do is to remind them we have a whole-lot more and that we have a track-record of using the damn things, so they oughta mind their p's'n'q's I'd rather we reduced stock piles some, while not proliferating to new nations. Really, the last thing we need are more arms races, or just one nuclear war caused by one unstable nation, and the chances of this only increase with more countries armed to the teeth. And seriously, you argue the way you do about nukes, but are for gun control, more strict gun-control, etc? An issue that is just the same thing on a micro-scale.
  20. I trust Kruschev, Reagan, or Mitterand with a nuclear arsenal any day over Ahmadinejad or his successor.
  21. AKA, the day Obama gave the mullahs a green light to finish their bomb. Fucking Obama. I bet he is an aggressive bike commuter too!
  22. Yeah, no shit. Not to mention how you'd have to get tired of having to deal with a beard that long in general for so many years. PITA
  23. Muir with la hija tomorrow. It's gonna be cold if she wants breaks. I'm skinning up on Sunday. F-ing glorious Nov weekend!
  24. Overall life is pretty good here in the 21st century in the US of A. Keep smiling, it only pisses off the hopeless malcontents like Prole :-) And Gawd, look at that sun and views we've had. A great weekend to enjoy life in the PNW!
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