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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. Ttk is a walrus. Hmmm, that does sound about right. Coo coo ca choo!
  2. The killing of innocents vs. the guilty (or presumed to be) is generally a difference folks can readily see and feel about differently. You can simultaneously be appalled by civilians being gunned down in a public place, and favor the shooting down of an armed gunman and not be a hypocrite. Really, I need to explain this? In any case your reasoning above at least is less inflammatory and more sensible than the previous statement disguised as a joke. But, I guess due to being habituated to this tactic and style by your political comrade I mistakenly conflated you with him. I know you are in general a more reasoned person, so my bad.
  3. I'm hoping for a Burr-Hamilton reenactment. And whom, pray tell, do you wish to play the part of Hamilton? :-)
  4. Hilarious. Of course nobody that is right of center could possibly care about, or be saddened by the following news stories: Yemen violence Pakistan violence Really this kind of partisan finger pointing and attribution of how someone else "truly feels" got tiresome and sickening years ago. Shame on you, OW.
  5. Yep, right on point. Of course our resident sociopath leads off any debate with insults, fills them in the middle, and closes 'em out with the same.
  6. Pot, kettle, black from the local left-wing cc.com sociopath.
  7. Heart of Darkness.
  8. And from our very own finest...
  9. Everything always comes back to Enumclaw...
  10. The media has provided adequate and thoroughly damning evidence that Bill Cosby is a serial rapist. Can we dispense with the trial now and just convict?
  11. http://www.cnn.com/2014/12/05/us/rolling-stone-uva-apology/index.html?hpt=hp_t1
  12. [video:youtube]
  13. That one is so fucked up. What happened to the guy in NYC is inhuman. Nobody should be beaten down this way. That video is just plain repulsive. I remember when the Rodney King beating occurred - a similarly disturbing event. I was visiting my grandfather and it was on TV. I expected him to say something a white guy from his generation living in a rural area might say... something about "that racial-epithet got what he deserved...". Nope. He said "if someone beat me down like that, like a dog... when I healed up... I would hunt him down."
  14. Tend to agree with the general assessment. Interesting article in, of all places, The Nation. Just the facts, please What we should focus on: "If Wilson himself had been better trained, he would not have killed Brown. As Yishai Schwartz has argued, there are a host of reforms that need to be made to police departments as well as changes in the law. " Treat the illness not the symptom, and stay away from the racially divisive and destructive rhetoric.
  15. Only thing missing is the "and nobody gets punished" part. +1 other than that. d Oh, the officer is being "punished". That guy's life is ruined - at least for some time going forward. He's currently in focus of a media firestorm. The stress this will put on him and his life is punishment. Is it the right punishment? Legal, involving an indictment and possible imprisonment, dunno. Will any amount of punishment bring back the dead man and give solace to his family? Would a lengthy trial with an innocent verdict be satisfactory or just cause more pain all around? Would the guy losing his job and never being allowed to work again in law enforcement be a good 'punishment'? I'd just rather see these things not happen. Trying this cop seems like treating a symptom - a bandaid. Having zero such incidents is unlikely but how about reducing them to a number where they are a rarity and not something that pops up as frequently as they do?
  16. http://www.cnn.com/2014/12/04/us/cleveland-justice-department-police-excessive-force/index.html?hpt=hp_t1 *sigh* Kicking handcuffed people in the head...
  17. I miss Minx! :-)
  18. The easiest way not to get arrested for dope is to not possess said dope. It's not a hard concept... When a petty crime like possession of a joint, or illegally obtained cigarettes leads to death, there is something profoundly fucking wrong - and it's not all on the suspect. Escalation involves two parties, and cops seems all the more willing to take things to extremes. That being said, and this being common knowledge that shit can get out of hand quickly, why the fuck someone would not obey a cops orders to the letter, immediately and without argument, is beyond me.
  19. This is karma. I like it.
  20. From the shores of Tripoli to the Halls of Montezuma just doesn't have the same ring :-) Besides it's about their span across the globe not a chronological listing of operations. :-)
  21. fucking thread drift right off the bat
  22. you ain't gonna convince no senators by sounding all faggoty n' educated - shame though, brilliant bit of presentation there, i struggle to make it ring human most time i take on the subject nicely done piece ivan, quit being a dork :-)
  23. Ivan, I don't see you mocking someone else's reasonable desire for better access. And certainly you aren't calling them fatasses that should walk or STFU. Glad you had a good experience, in a non-hypocritical way to boot!
  24. You mocked "fatasses" who want the W side road open to cars, telling them to walk or bike, then brag how you bypassed a barrier and drove a road you could have walked. The hypocrisy is clear and incontrovertible.
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