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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. whiskey
  2. Private health care or private health insurance. Let's be clear wtf we're talking about.
  3. I'm setting my expectations low. It's better that way
  4. Uh-huh. Improvement rate from almost zero to ... of course it's a huge jump. Nothing to do with the mounties, but to personal experience and getting out.
  5. Well, that's the problem. Group climbing classes assume a lowest common denominator of zero. The more you've been out before taking a class like that, the less you're going to get from it. Sounds like all you needed was to get out on some glacier routes with people. There is a debate on practicing rescue - I think it's useful (e.g. z-pulley), but there are glacier climbs you can do with a low risk factor without that. A Basic class is nothing more than that "basic". The climbing clubs I am aware of have basic classes and intermediate classes, but no *advanced* classes. The point is to get bootstrapped so YOU can get started and then where you go from there is up to YOU. Clubs, and classes, are not, or should not be about the totality of you climbing knowledge and experience. Helping newbies is a responsibility I think all climbers should strongly consider participating in - whether it's in a club, class, or just one-on-one mentoring. I would and have taken out newbs on climbs, but I am selective about it. I would not take a newb out on any route, but there are plenty that I would.
  6. of course. you need to have plenty of grain at the bottom of your food pyramid
  7. clearly, MLUs were in order
  8. and I remember lefties calling Reagan the anti-christ - you know Ronald Wilson Reagan - 666?
  9. he's been ahead in every poll for as long as I can remember. we're gonna be stuck with him. get used to it.
  10. He needs to have one for it to go numb. And even if he was thus endowed, the dude doesn't cycle - or climb for that matter.
  11. He could have been our VP and running for Pres today. And Obama has not announced his running mate yet.
  12. Just wait. There'll be dirt on Obamalama and all the libtards will backtread on their attacks on McCain and his divorce.
  13. Quick, shoot that bear!
  14. Not making any judgments here, SS, just pointing out the facts. Any chance then that the shooter on Sauk has a history of torturing small animals? I have no idea, nor any idea why you think I would know that. Non sequitor. Well it is supposed to rain on saturday. Duh. You forgot to correct non sequitur!
  15. Mmm, elk meat.
  16. Zod kind of resembles a bear...
  17. guys, enough with the minx and archie photos. one thread was enough.
  18. you can eat TTK. he's said to frequent the I-90 foothills. the NW's own great white buffalo.
  19. well, fuck dude, then let's send some hunters up Mt. Si and Snow Lake trails too, while we're at it. Fuck yeah!
  20. Justify hunting on a trail like Sauk Mtn. Let's hear it.
  21. wrestlers.
  22. so you hunt off the Sauk Mtn trail? http://www.fs.fed.us/r6/mbs/recreation/activities/trails/mbrd/mbrd_0613.htm tail use: hiking visitor use: extra heavy sounds like a great place to hunt!
  23. Bear meat? Just kill the bear for fun and let it rot where it falls. Well, maybe skin it for a nice carpet.
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