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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. Don't care. Those jets truly ARE the sound of freedom. The people that are here, for the most part, are probably people that benefited from those jets. "global rampage"??? Give me a break. Move to France, you whiny bitch. Get with the program Canyondweller, WE'RE the TRUE terrorists.
  2. Out on the road today, I saw a Deadhead sticker on a Cadillac. A little voice inside my head said "Don't look back, you can never look back."
  3. even a stopped clock is right two times a day.
  4. lol. my friend had a similar experience ascending the DC route. it was whiteout conditions and he was beat. He crested the summit ridge to be treated to a figure emerging from the fog taking a shit right on the crater rim. good times.
  5. Trimmed down unnecessary part.
  6. So if I shave my legs, my skin won't look like ground beef after a fall? Don't fall.
  7. Looks like it was at Index. Sobo did yell a warning.
  8. BTW, did you yell "ROCK!".
  9. Wow. It sounds possible, but still quite tricky to pull off, Sobo. Kudos!
  10. There are nice bivy sites below Winnie's slide. AT least two are big enough for a small 2-person tent. Barring that, there are flat areas on the snow below Winnie's slide, or 100-200 feet below that. You can smooth out the snow with a shovel, or just the edge of a picket. Enjoy!
  11. Can't feel it. ............................................ Nope still can't. Must be because I am leaving at noon to climb the Emmons with my daughter. Spray on. Awesome, Bug! I was wondering if you were going to reschedule that. Are you camping tonight in Glacier Basin? Have a good one, be safe, and post a TR.
  12. Explosive diarrheah on the route to Snowfield peak. It was only "awkward" because I stopped the rope team 3 times to vacate my bowels.
  13. some do shave so that the road rash heals a bit better from being side swiped by some asswipe not paying attention turning a corner. Shaving your legs is aid.
  14. Think of it as a blessing. I do.
  15. It should have been F-off Monday and Group Hug Friday. Too much negativity going in to the weekend.
  16. that, or genetics.
  17. I have to agree with Prole on this one. What the fuck is this "race card" that's getting "pulled"?
  18. Not tonight, 5K. Gotta give the ol' liver a reprieve sometime, ya know... Damn. I live vicariously through your bacchanalian indulgences.
  19. The lower middle one is the most fucked up.
  20. And you didn't too well in grammergrammar/spelling/punctuation- it's "geography" (no caps). And you didn't do too well at spelling, either. It's 5:15, Sobo, I hope you're drinking.
  21. I used to ride down 140th from BCC all the way to old Redmond Way, then up Willows Road. I was riding the gauntlet and risking my life every trip, that's for sure. :-) The worst I've gotten "accosted" was by teenagers in Bellevue who honked and yelled "Hey, Lance!!"
  22. I don't ride down Rainier. Turn right and then left to ride the street parallel to Rainier until Dearborn, then turn left. It's smooth sailing there. Come to think of it, once a guy tried to flip me shit but then I flexed and flashed him a stare where he saw the flames of hell in my eyes and he STFU. The biggest jerks I've encountered on the road were on the East Side when I used to commute to Redmond. I assume they were Micro$pouses or Googlefraus.
  23. Oh Noes!
  24. I'm speaking specifically of drivers *in the city* and their interactions with cyclists sharing the road as I observe them.
  25. I've also heard it said that Bruce Springsteen's concert in East Germany in 1989 was the final nail in the coffin of the Berlin Wall. I guess "Tunnel of Love" really softened up the red Krauts. Yeah, but David Hasselhoff really tore down the wall. Only in Germany. And maybe Florida. And Canada. And Alabama. ...
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