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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. Maybe he thought they were bears?
  2. Blame global warming on bear attacks It's all W's fault.
  3. Oh, well, holy fucking shit! Get back. You failed to mention that you have FAMILY MEMBERS WHO HUNT. That makes all the difference in the world! Sheesh, the wealth of knowledge you are adjacent to definitely makes you an expert! Wow, let's all bow down to Kaskad-douchebag's uncle's neice's third son's sea of hunting experience. You don't know shit, monkeynuts. Go back to sexually harassing kevbone; that's the only thing you are good at. FOAD, you little b-scratch.
  4. Hunters have never shot a human on purpose? no wonder you are a conservative or maybe shot near someone - to 'scare' them, for fun, oops. i don't put anything past anybody in this day and age.
  5. in the traditional sense of course.
  6. I know the fucking trail where this occurred you moron. This weekend I was in the Olympics. I saw a lot of hikers and one bear. Yes, I could tell the difference. And the distance was at least 100 yards. I have family members who hunt (including as teenagers), in semi-rural woods near other people. They've shot a lot of deer and rabbit, but never a human. Now go lick sack.
  7. If you can distinguish your target enough for a kill shot, you certainly can distinguish what it is. Fry the little fuckers. Who's to say that it wasn't a "mistake". Maybe they did it for "fun" and just claimed they thought she was a bear. I just don't see how you can mistake a hiker for a bear. You are very, very stupid. I'm smart enough not to shoot a hiker - esp. not on a crowded, popular hiking trail.
  8. have you been on the Sauk Mtn trail, RuMR? If not, you're talking out of your ass. I've been there with my family, including kids. You drive a long winding road up to a huge f-ing flat areas with plenty of parking spots. Last time I was there there was a tour bus there with hikers in it, and buttloads of people hang-gliding off the parking area. The trail switchbacks on an open slope for 1000+ feet. Only a moron would hunt there.
  9. Adams Glacier is probably very broken up by now and not a good choice. Try the Mazama Glacier route if you want to avoid the masses on the S Spur (you'll merge with them anyways), or scramble up the N ridge (if you don't mind tons of scree).
  10. wild rooster? I prefer wild turkey.
  11. hunters? stupid little punks.
  12. If you can distinguish your target enough for a kill shot, you certainly can distinguish what it is. Fry the little fuckers. Who's to say that it wasn't a "mistake". Maybe they did it for "fun" and just claimed they thought she was a bear. I just don't see how you can mistake a hiker for a bear.
  13. also, I promise to leave you alone if you will peck out General Zod's eyes. TIA.
  14. axe? i could just break your neck. Be warned. I have very sharp spurs. And I'm pretty fast. Don't mess with my corn, buddy. I might have to use the ducks as tasters. if any of the ducks keel over, i'll take 'em off your hands for ya
  15. axe? i could just break your neck. or give you some poisoned corn.
  16. She loves me for my comb. And I'm quite distinguished. A fine head to preserve, stuff, and put on display.
  17. sorry, that's you and kbone.
  18. no shit. if it was ttk hiking shirtless that'd be another story...
  19. Lick sack, Zod.
  20. great idea
  21. or GGK
  22. Nothing to climb here. Move along.
  23. RuMR: Bug is right.
  24. What a dilemma. You didn't know whether to summon the Wardrobe Dept or Hairdressing. or crazy polish bob for a massage +
  25. Yes Bill....I wonder about the south as well.... I'm not connecting that statement.....what am I missing? Boner thinks the "South" and all its residents are dumb. Pretty funny coming from a guy with an IQ about 3 sigmas below the mean on the old Gaussian distribution.
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