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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. sounds like she wanted to place Kevbone's piece
  2. I put most food in the top section. I pack a tight pack with little food in the main compartment. I'm probably gonna pack more tortillas again for the next trip. I usually have one nice sandwich packed for the lunch going in and like it not to be smashed up. The last luxury before converting over to shit/nuts/chews.
  3. Bagels are great, but they are bulky. I've brought one before, plus a PBJ, but more than that is too bulky.
  4. That's a great rant SS, I gotta disagree though on a couple of points. 1st, you say Kerry was a bad candidate. Kerry was the better dude. The Bush assholes tore McCain an asshole or 3 during the primaries with the same shit as well: and its bullshit and doesn't make him a "bad" candidate IMO. I voted for Kerry primarily based on how the POS that hid under his bed and his fathers skirts let that political debasement via the swift boaters happen. ONE Swift boater, a lifelong Republican and a fella from my state, came out during the election and testified that HE was the Green Beret that Kerry pulled out of the water while under intense fire, and that he'd never seen any of those other MFers clamoring that Kerry was something other than what he was, which was pretty dam courageous on Kerrys part IMO. That he stepped forward and tried to stop an injustice only proved the truth of it to me. So it seemed clear that voting for Kerry was the best thing...to me. Next, I do not believe that one nearly relinquishes their honor by merely entering politics. I suspect the opposite. Usually folks get in due to the desire to effect positive change. The whirlwind of Washington sucks up many and tosses them into reverse mode, and it does seem like the presidential candidates still fit your statement. Yet many congressmen and senators do not. They are there to fight the good fight for truth and justice. Later, they become Ted Stevens - and they should be tossed out before they are tired old hags trading favors like Ted Kennedy, Robert Byrd or John Stennis IMO. Too bad they are not. Good rant though. I think that the reality is that we owe those who step forward and put the pedal to the metal and their lives at risk as a gift to all of US a huge debt, and it doesn't lesson as we complain about the leadership directing the bus off the road, but is an even more important and significant debt in that circumstance IMO. McCain did something back then which most of us would and probably could NEVER do, and that is to tell his jailers to FUCK OFF. He spit into their faces, some of the meanest son of a bitches around, when they were offering to release him alone, and not the others who were more deserving. It was heroic by any measure or definition of the word in any country or any century. DAMN HEROIC. Both of these men can do a passable job of running the country. One has proven his will in the crucible that none of us can fathom. The other is damn smart and likable. Both have big negative issues as well. Tough call in my opinion. Good luck, I suspect we will chose one of them! Fuck! I was hoping we could write in "none of the above" and start over with new candidates.
  5. Ясно! Бо ти ніц не розумієш, крім того, ссати російські хуї!
  6. Бідний Рогоз - той чує дзвін а не знає де й він.
  7. one benefit: glassgowkiss will not be salivating over him and offering his "services"
  8. Right after they look at photos of terrorist victims? You know compare them side by side. Why, we could show all the bloody pieces of the victims pulled out from the rubble of the twin towers. And every time someone opens their pie-hole about Israeli Zionists, why not make them look at some nice photos of the pieces of meat and blood splattered all over the pavement of some city in Israel. Just to help them get proper perspective to form a policy, you know? Let's also make all anti-death penalty folks look at graphic murder scene photos, and pro-death penalty folks watch executions. Just to formulate a proper opinion. Then we could move on to photos of aborted fetuses - you know, so folks could properly make up their mind on abortion!
  9. On the contrary, they evidentally take the shirt right off your back!
  10. He could have gone home early but chose to stay behind with his comrades despite the huge personal cost, for one thing. Quit being so fucking contrarian (the only other possibility is that you're stupid, but only Kevbone sinks to this depth of mental retardation).
  11. yes, he is more of a hero than the guy doing requisitioning. duh.
  12. Freih? Ist die Fraulein frei? You dirty boy.
  13. McCain wasn't "simply in the military". :rolleyes"
  14. Thanks, Off, I always wondered what Archie looks like...
  15. suck on a Glock, boner
  16. Sea Gal wants so hard to hate America and everything about her, including her heroes.
  17. STFU, Sea Gal
  18. The only thing JoshK tunes is the meatwhistle.
  19. are you sure that wasn't actually Archenemy?
  20. hey, it's kevbone's half brother - the redheaded stepchil' that is
  21. linky for dumb americans But WE are the real terrorists. We need to learn from the Euros how to properly behave in the world community.
  22. Whatsamatter Zod, Jorel wouldn't suck you off? I'm pretty sure "Superman" is a poster on here. Will he save us?!? I didn't know you needed saving lardass. Bugger off, windowlicker!
  23. Hey Zod, since you can fly, do you even bother with climbing? Obviously not. Although sometimes when I'm just walking I just walk. Sometimes when I'm walking and there's a vertical slab of granite in the way I start climbing, but I don't need to. Kneel before you feeble human! Chuck Norris can still kick your ass.
  24. Bidnyj Rogoz... otrujno v mozku, napyvshys' stil'ky rosijs'koyi spermy ta prynyavshys' stil'ky rosijs'kykh khujiv u sraku. A zaraz pracyuyesh prostitutkoyu dlya volosatykh cholovikov. Namahayeshsya napasty na inshykh z pustymy obrazamy - ale ce prosto vidobrazhennya toho, khto ty faktychno ye. Ot i vse.
  25. It's not Russian, Sea-gal.
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