Well, I thought we warned you about using too many words? Seriously, I read every one of them. Whats your point? What should be done? We may actually agree on this, but I'm not sure. My thoughts are this: we tried to provide food to the Somalis and they kicked us in the balls when our "Peacekeeping" troops were attacked. They made a movie out of it called "Blackhawk Down". The most notable thing about the movie is that when Somali people saw it, they cheered at what we perceived as all of the wrong places. They are in the middle of some serious internal violence involving religions, resources and tribes. Why TF should we run in there and get involved? The UN sends food and some asshole warlord immediately hijacks it and distributes it as a political statement. Perhaps kill every damn thug who attacks a US flagged vessel is the best we can do right now? Somehow, they fuck up there country and we get blamed for it doesn't work for me. There's plenty of poor country's that do not turn to illegal activity's that no one should give these asswipes a pass.
The hourly cost to run a Navy vessel is huge. We would be better served putting Seal crews for rides on US flagged vessels who could then call in the calvery in the event of an attack larger than they wanted to deal with. We (the US) would send a cease and desist order via this method. If any Panamanian, Liberian or non- US flagged vessel needed help, the owners can call us in and pay us up front.
ps, NPR is just another tool of the US government.
No, no, no, Billcoe! Blame America First! Get with the f-in program! We are to blame for everything, and we have to fix all the world's problems because we are the cause.