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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. kinda like hammering pitons, trundling rocks, gardening routes, drilling holes. i find if you bitch about someone.... someone will pitch a bitch about u... climbers aren't exactly a loved crowd. hey, good idea. maybe you could trundle rocks onto the snowmobilers?
  2. and ice tool would be more effective - more ergonomic and suited for the task
  3. The good news is that snowmobilers tend to be candidates for Darwin Awards. The bad news is that their rate of succumbing to a quick and early death falls far below their rate of reproduction.
  4. Rattlesnake Ledge is a good first trail - even for a 3 or 4 year old. It's 2 miles or so each way with just over 1000 foot gain.
  5. They should dynamite the Hillary Step while they're at it. "It would be easy for the arm chair climber to say that if someone who attempts to climb Everest is not capable of climbing the Yellow Band without fixed rope then they shouldn't be there in the first place," it would be "easy" because it's f-in true.
  6. We peaked over at that route last year from the top of the Fuhrer Finger. It looked pretty straightforward - contiguous snow, a little steeper than the finger.
  7. STFU, nOOb!
  8. Recently youths taunted a tiger at the SF zoo until it jumped it's enclosure and killed them. The animal was euthanized. Not much difference.
  9. The Easton glacier has a few gapers around the 6500 foot level by mid-May. However, it does involve a 2.5-3 hour hike.
  10. LOL. The XGK is definitely a deal-killer for pleasant campside socializing, and enjoying a quiet moment communing with nature.
  11. try posting this TR on NWHikers! ;-)
  12. yellowjackets
  13. +1 on that POS called the Cascadian. And besides, I'm not sure the Teanaway road will be open that far anyways. Sherpa is a better bet.
  14. LICK SACK!
  15. +1 You can carry kids until around 40lbs. By then they can usually do most of a 5 mile hike with moderate elevation gain (e.g. Lake 22 trail).
  16. BCA shovel handle, silver, probably near Lone Tree Pass
  17. Good job guys - very nice slide shows.
  18. KaskadskyjKozak

    Pig Flu

    he's not concerned - he's happy people will die so the planet will get some relief
  19. KaskadskyjKozak

    Pig Flu

    Hey, do your part, and help "ease up on the planet".
  20. KaskadskyjKozak

    Pig Flu

    several of my students were wearing masks today - didn't seem to interfere w/ them swigging down their mountain dew though Perhaps they were making a commentary on your instruction?
  21. 100 days? who cares? climb.
  22. what was it like? chossy? protectable?
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