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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. CA shells out far more for healthcare for illegals than it takes in from taxes from its residents. you do the math, Einstein Do you actually believe what you wrote? pathetic. It's pretty obvious that folks not paying taxes and tapping social services are an economic burden - even to a dim bulb such as yourself.
  2. that's an understatement
  3. You may be doing more than "wishing them well" - Arnold is looking for transfer payments straight from the taxpayer pockets of the other 49 states of the union
  4. commies just need bullets, a secret police service, and open pits in the woods
  5. CA shells out far more for healthcare for illegals than it takes in from taxes from its residents. you do the math, Einstein
  6. and be sure to blame "capitalism" when the problems are grounded firmly in socialist/statist policies imposed by the left-wing nuts who have bankrupted the state Should be interesting to see what will happen if those "socialist/statist" programs (education, healthcare, etc.) get cut as the cited proposal suggests. they have already been watered down, and effectively cut, as they were overextended beyond legal citizens
  7. opportunistic left-wing radical nuts always use agitprop to incite discontent among the masses with the status quo during times of economic downturns and social crisis, blaming the establishment, and the rich and promising quick fixes with a dumb-downed populist message based on nothing.
  8. you really are a commie
  9. your brain is so rotten to the core from your pathetic ideology it's beyond sad
  10. and be sure to blame "capitalism" when the problems are grounded firmly in socialist/statist policies imposed by the left-wing nuts who have bankrupted the state
  11. spending billions on state-provided services for illegal immigrants has nothing to do with it, right, you myopic libtard jackass?
  12. What is my best cam product out there to replace my green and yellow aliens?
  13. KaskadskyjKozak


    speaking from personal experience?
  14. People smarter than you are deciding it. Now STFU.
  15. Maybe those senators read the recent cc.com snowboarder thread?
  16. What do you have against El Dorado?
  17. thanks to B-HO it's looking grim as to whether we'll enjoy it for much longer
  18. Bullshit, the combination of Pacific infrared satellite and Jetstream positioning were a complete no-brainer for staying off the mountain then - it was in no way a matter of either a 'hindsight' or a 'had to be there' sort of deal in any way whatsoever. It was more akin to playing Russian Roulette with five rounds chambered. Not meaning to raise your blood pressure again, I would have to say that you are exceptional in your ability to predict exactly what you are getting into by looking at a sattellite map. If everyone stayed home every time bad weather was predicted, Tvash and Ivan would never post a trip report. You just have to get out there to know for sure. It often results in a short time in a storm bracketted by long drives but the converse is possible. So to get back to the thread at hand, we cannot say what the exact conditions were when various decisions were made on that fateful Hood climb. There is a huge difference between snow and driving snow. There is a bigger difference between 30mph gusts and sustained 50mph winds. I have climbed up through some storms and been trashed by others. Weather or not I go on partially depends on how I am feeling and who I am with. There are no blanket answers on how to proceed with a particular weather prediction. Second guessing other climbers after the fact is pure speculation and says more about the speculator than about the speculatee(s). imo Well put.
  19. So, you are saying the 1st and 2nd amendments apply to the citizens of the world? Fuck, we better get on the ball!
  20. Heinous forecast + Completely shut down weather = Should have gone to the bar instead. But yet they went for it anyway. Alas, with no taun taun either. My recollection is they tried to go fast and light and beat a weather system. Not like anyone on this forum has tried to do that. Or ignore a nasty avy forecast and try to run up something. Or...
  21. Marxists torture and murder in the millions. And it goes well beyond waterboarding a few fuckhead scumbags. Moral relativism is such a crock of shit.
  22. now that's funny What's not funny is that a neo-Marxist is lecturing the forum about "torture" and "killing of civilians" - two of the prime entertaining past times of the ideology he supports.
  23. Bullshit, the combination of Pacific infrared satellite and Jetstream positioning were a complete no-brainer for staying off the mountain then - it was in no way a matter of either a 'hindsight' or a 'had to be there' sort of deal in any way whatsoever. It was more akin to playing Russian Roulette with five rounds chambered. You said you don't climb alpine. Forecasts often paint a totally incomplete picture. May times you don't know what you're gonna get until you are actually there.
  24. Hindsight is always 20/20. How often have any of us done something marginally (or outright) stupid and just been lucky to survive it?
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