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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. Impeach him and send him to the Hague for trial immediately!
  2. How much snow is there along the sides of the Icicle, especially up the Rat Creek drainage and surrounding area? Thanks...
  3. Well, I thought we warned you about using too many words? Seriously, I read every one of them. Whats your point? What should be done? We may actually agree on this, but I'm not sure. My thoughts are this: we tried to provide food to the Somalis and they kicked us in the balls when our "Peacekeeping" troops were attacked. They made a movie out of it called "Blackhawk Down". The most notable thing about the movie is that when Somali people saw it, they cheered at what we perceived as all of the wrong places. They are in the middle of some serious internal violence involving religions, resources and tribes. Why TF should we run in there and get involved? The UN sends food and some asshole warlord immediately hijacks it and distributes it as a political statement. Perhaps kill every damn thug who attacks a US flagged vessel is the best we can do right now? Somehow, they fuck up there country and we get blamed for it doesn't work for me. There's plenty of poor country's that do not turn to illegal activity's that no one should give these asswipes a pass. The hourly cost to run a Navy vessel is huge. We would be better served putting Seal crews for rides on US flagged vessels who could then call in the calvery in the event of an attack larger than they wanted to deal with. We (the US) would send a cease and desist order via this method. If any Panamanian, Liberian or non- US flagged vessel needed help, the owners can call us in and pay us up front. ps, NPR is just another tool of the US government. No, no, no, Billcoe! Blame America First! Get with the f-in program! We are to blame for everything, and we have to fix all the world's problems because we are the cause.
  4. So true. IRONY ALERT!
  5. You stopped taking science courses after 8th grade? Where the hell did you go to school? No, no, no. I was assuming that Stinky was still in eight grade. You're mistaking hot carl with No. 13.
  6. You stopped taking science courses after 8th grade? Where the hell did you go to school?
  7. lickmynutsackyoubloatedbagofexpandinggasesabouttoexplodeandenvelopeuswithvilestench
  8. What a load of bullshit.
  9. nasty... get well soon!
  10. Is your new motto: "Yes, we can"? ;-)
  11. so if Minx watches, then you'll make up with hot carl? I think this is all he ever wanted...
  12. Cool, when are you going to climb? Or are you saying you fucked up? Everything in life needs balance, including selfish, personal needs (which are valid!) from responsibilities to others. Starving one area of your life for all others is not right, nor is neglecting your responsibilities completely. There is a whole range of compromise between "all or nothing".
  13. I deal with it by doing whatever the hell I want..if you cant then you have serioulsy fucked up and you should fix whatever is wong immediately. But dont feel bad most people fall into the same trap then try and pass it off with some stupid shit like "I made sacrifices, I got married, had kids, new job..."ya you fucked up if you cant do whatever you want simple as that. you're a moron
  14. ok
  15. sounds a lot like "all is for the best in the best of all possible worlds", which I believe Voltaire has thoroughly and soundly debunked.
  17. strategery
  18. They're happy now, but wait until they've been married a few years. Let gays get married. Misery loves company. ;-)
  19. Amen, brother, Amen.
  20. sounds like good advice, but it's not very workable. Could you choose to not miss your dick? I'm with Rob - you can't choose not to miss something that is a part of your life like climbing is. Boner, could you give up playing guitar for several months and "choose not to miss it"? Yes......Mind over matter my friend. if I did not choose not to miss climbing I would drive myself batty...... Bullshit. Aren't you the guy that brings a guitar to Mexico or Hawaii or wherever the fuck you went on vacation because you can't live without it for a week?
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