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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. STFU, boner.
  2. You could try knitting your runners into a sweater. They're fuzzy enough. Or TTK's back hair...
  3. which one is Kevbone?
  4. bra and panty pillow-fight?
  5. Anyone up there yesterday? I'm wondering how much snow ended up falling up there and if it is likely to melt off this week (it is forecast to be sunny all week).
  6. so you strive for the former, but wallow in the latter. that's a shame.
  7. Is that a gay euphemism? considering it's about Tvash and Ivan, what do you think?
  8. If you really knew Aramaic, you'd know it's Yeshua, not "jeebus". And it's really interesting how you always insist on bringing His Name into just about any topic. Makes you wonder. Just saying.
  9. What's the official word on whether or not they get their 72 virgins? i truly feel sorry for you. someone submit these guys to the Darwin Award panel
  10. You could have offered to cut the free samples with your samurai sword...
  11. maybe he could at least succeed at something? never mind
  13. It's impossible to "organize" most of the political spectrum of ideas in one single party. more excuses from libtards for the D's reneging on their promises.
  14. i thought he was a new yorker? From Indiana. Real Hollywood.
  15. That's change I can believe in!! Yes we can!
  16. hope you're more qualified to criticize the Palins than that fucking hypocrite Letterman is
  17. your girlfriend buys that?
  18. he's a smug fuck and the story is pretty over the top. that's about it
  19. i thought it was like 50%!! and i'm sure a hefty portion are from infidelity...i guess i've just been fortunate to have things good so far (not married) but happy and would never cross my mind to go elsewhere for some lovin'...so a hard thing to grasp a lot of those divorces are "repeats" (same person divorced multiple times)
  20. but this is the opposite of what he promised ... you know... the stimulus package thingy
  21. from the story it seems this is more than just an "ordinary" affair, but a pattern of cheating with multiple partners.
  22. that's pretty jacked j_b and dont think is remotely even the case that married or commited folk are "guaranteed" to have affairs...while i know it happens, i believe it is the exception and by far not the rule j_b would be singing a different tune if it were someone he considered "conservative".
  23. he's doing just great
  24. what kind of wah-wah pedal do you own, boner?
  25. the comedians should have a field day with this story
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