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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. funny, coming from a guy for whom gratuitous statements are bread and butter
  2. i challenge the methodology of the moron who wrote that article. and Americans hardly have "sub standard living conditions". 90% of the world's population would cut off an arm to live here.
  3. the middle-class lifestyle is part of the problem you fucktard
  4. yes, you are - and a fucking ass clown to boot.
  5. yes, kill the bourgeois capitalist pigs!
  6. workers of the world unite!
  7. well, yeah, you got to have enough cash to pay off the finance charges every month! and pay taxes to bail out the credit card company's only rich people pay taxes, so that's ok
  8. well, yeah, you got to have enough cash to pay off the finance charges every month!
  9. Americans don't have bank accounts. Huge, endlessly running credit card debt, OTOH... but heh, we should be able to buy 5 plasma TVs, a new car every 3 years, and not have to buy health insurance - that's too much money!
  10. More importantly, what color tie did Glenn Beck wear today? a rainbow-colored tie... NTTAWWT
  11. That's funny, that was called CUTTING AND RUNNING when your boy was in there. Where's all the "victory", "glory", and "freedom" now? cutting and running is an option and it's what b-ho promised, didn't he?
  12. sorry, i saw too many Kevbone posts today
  13. all options are being considered? What about withdrawing the troops - don't see that listed above...
  14. FUCK YEAH!
  15. unlike you who don't support "policies" but personally CHOOSE to buy foreign cars?
  16. KaskadskyjKozak


    here are two birds for you:
  17. KaskadskyjKozak


    we don't need to hear about your little bird
  18. OJ is looking for the *real* killer
  19. they are lizard people from outer space who eat live rodents
  20. these conspirators were not very sure of themselves, considering the hundreds of millions they lost by running out of vaccine with so many willing dupes still looking (unsuccessfully) for their shot
  21. clearly ttk is off his meds again
  22. War is peace.
  23. The Audacity of Hope!!!
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