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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. true. not that there's anything wrong with that...
  2. Go fuck yourself Tvash. Your original post compared what happened in Washington ("Everything but Marriage") and Maine ("Full on fucking Marriage") as if they had some equivalency. Are you really claiming that gays now have full equality in Washington? And actually feel that way? No way! Sometime in the near future in this state there will either be a referendum for marriage or one to repeal legislatively/judically enacted gay marrige. I'll put my money on that failing here just like in Maine. Asshole And Bug. You hurt my feelings. Are you denying that many people could concievably support one but not the other? If we ever meet, I'll buy you a beer.
  3. KaskadskyjKozak


    Yankees: baseball's herpes virus
  4. maybe you could make up a holiday and market that? look how much cash Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny rake in!
  5. nothing. I didn't see you post.
  6. judging by the results the right wing strategy was soooo successful! eat a big shut the fuck up sandwich cunt.
  7. Because he, in sharp contrast to you, actually has something substantive to say from time to time which evinces an intellect.
  8. better yet, maybe she's smeared in bacon grease?
  9. New Left Review? You are a fucking clown.
  10. go eat a bag of bloody dicks smeared with smegma
  11. but Barry promised change and the audacity of hope...
  12. Good work Obama!
  14. Mission Accomplished?
  15. Those boobs are udderly ridiculous.
  16. "a breast a day..."
  17. Not true. I have stated before that Kevbone's existence is a convincing counterargument against the theory of Intelligent Design.
  18. GGK speaks:
  19. I took my oldest up Davis Peak on Sat. Great day out (although the gunshots were a bit disconcerting). Brisk, cool, but mostly clear until later in the afternoon.
  20. GGK speaks:
  21. Can we knock it off with the Kevboner threads already?
  22. The omniscient/omnipotent makes even the stuff humans do to each other problematic, but seems much more difficult to overlook earthquakes, genetic disorders, plagues, tsunamis, etc. Hell, even the prevalence of the peanut-allergy should raise some troubling questions. "Ooooh - dang! Er, sorry about that one Jimmy. I was busy tweaking the binding kinetics of this highly-specific neurotoxin in this one species of parasitoid wasp and forgot to get rid of that epitope on the peanut protein. My bad." After the Tsunami I was amazed to learn that there were actually (lots of) adults that had seemingly never grappled with some of the more basic implications of the creeds that they'd ostensibly dedicated their lives to abiding by and spreading. Yeah, right, no person of faith has *ever* contemplated such questions.
  23. Billcoe: :tup: :tup:
  24. Yeah, in your opinion, but I gotta call bullshit on this. Slacker chic is a bunch of crap: don't stick out above the herd, the only way to brag is by being humble, act as if you don't care about anything. TR's are just first person stories by people engaged in this odd hobby most of us share. I don't really care how significant an ascent is, or whether it's about a great day at your home crag or what you learned about body position and ignoring young women that finally let you send the pink and blue tape problem, I just like the diversion of a tale told well on a subject that interests me. If you don't like TR's, don't read 'em. If you think you're so uninteresting that no one could possibly enjoy sampling a slice of your climbing life, don't write 'em. Just don't be giving anyone grief over telling climbing stories. Well said, OW! The best part of this site are the TRs.
  25. he's just enjoying his Schadenfreude
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