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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. at least I stick with one avatar
  2. get a sense of humor, you joyless douche
  3. what a douchebag, but it's hard to feel outraged if she isn't. I'm surprised that hollywood has supported the guy for so long. fuckin' rapist. We should continue to make him live in France. That's worse than prison. There is no hell. There is only France. :-)
  4. As opposed to you who characterize the "average" American.
  5. There is hope for Bellingham yet!
  6. head north, Dru will hook you up
  7. would that finally shut you up?
  8. your notion of the role of government is pretty damn clear, so quit pretending otherwise
  9. Isn't it amazing how those who gargle continually about the evils of "corporate monopolies" always want to replace them with "government monopolies" another blatant lie form the board nincompoop yeah, you are so opposed to government monopolies. how's that project going to control the airwaves, commie fucktard?
  10. Isn't it amazing how those who gargle continually about the evils of "corporate monopolies" always want to replace them with "government monopolies"
  11. there's something about carne asada burritos and margaritas that just bring a smile to anyone's face
  12. Are you saying Judge Ito might preside?
  13. is that why you don't have time to climb?
  14. I know I know: You turned into a ruskie. *yawn*. never been a russkiy. do you call mexicans "spaniards" too?
  15. Hi Cocoa, how's life?
  16. Not quite as radical as a college student living off of loans who's never worked a day in his life nor been self-sufficient, but pontificates endlessly about societal ills and economic systems, but who can be?
  17. Gotta love your optimism. You should join Kojak's "No, We Can't!" Party. It's just to the right of Jay's "No, We Shouldn'ts". Sorry, but my party is "Fuck off Commie Prole". Now go lick sack (and chode).
  18. No shit Ivan. Prole is a real piece of work. Newsflash! TV programming sucks ass and caters to the lowest common denominator and the bottom line. Don't like it, don't watch! I sure don't want people like Prole taking it over and deciding what we get to see and how that information is "filtered".
  19. Look at France's reaction to similar cases (including this one). Sex with minors is apparently no problem for them culturally.
  20. You commies are always at the ready with your "reeducation" camps and forced propaganda.
  21. We don't need to hear about your STDs.
  22. He lives in France, a country where banging 13 year olds is no problem. He moved there for a reason.
  23. independent/public media are a "gaggle of leftists"? why do you keep thinking your rhetorical fallacies will go unnoticed? hmm, nope. You'll find that an informed public being essential to democracy is a widely shared concept and definitely not an obsolete, moth-eaten vision despite your irrational hatred of what the 60's brought to western democracies. For all your attempts at appearing as a tolerant, freedom loving type, the vision that emerges from your rhetoric is very bleak. I'm not the one histrionically lamenting the inadequacy of the American public's media preferences here, kemosabe. Listening to you expound on the significance of TV in the internet age is like reading an anarchist manifesto concerning the political implications of the phonograph in the radio age. "Step 1: Seize the phonograph factory and distribute wax cylinders bearing the manifesto to...." The vision that you've been articulating is neither necessary nor sufficient for an informed public. Classic stuff, Jay!
  24. How is the media circus down there right now?
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