independent/public media are a "gaggle of leftists"? why do you keep thinking your rhetorical fallacies will go unnoticed?
hmm, nope. You'll find that an informed public being essential to democracy is a widely shared concept and definitely not an obsolete, moth-eaten vision despite your irrational hatred of what the 60's brought to western democracies.
For all your attempts at appearing as a tolerant, freedom loving type, the vision that emerges from your rhetoric is very bleak.
I'm not the one histrionically lamenting the inadequacy of the American public's media preferences here, kemosabe.
Listening to you expound on the significance of TV in the internet age is like reading an anarchist manifesto concerning the political implications of the phonograph in the radio age.
"Step 1: Seize the phonograph factory and distribute wax cylinders bearing the manifesto to...."
The vision that you've been articulating is neither necessary nor sufficient for an informed public.
Classic stuff, Jay!