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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. "The Forest Service has said it will review signage and consider ways to raise awareness of the dangers on the trail as well as the ice caves." I remember the signage being really clear. Nevertheless many people approach the caves (leaving the clearly marked end of trail with warnings not to do so) - myself included. Very sad.
  2. whatever, comrade.
  3. That has never been anything to "wonder" about; we all know where he stands w/r/t to freedom ("imagine a boot on a human face").
  4. Yes. You are certifiably insane.
  5. whatever it is, do it quickly. it's all a downward slope from here on out
  6. how did Hell's Highway look? Still easy to downclimb and few crevasses?
  7. It's almost the weekend. You can wake up then!
  8. Indeed! Bugger off!
  9. it depends on the terrain and conditions. and I assume you mean placing pro (pickets) not building anchors. If you anchored and belayed for every crevasse, you'd never get up half the glacier routes in the cascades. my condolences to the family on this unfortunate tragedy
  10. j_b's self-delusional myth that he has any grasp on reality
  11. I just think he could possibly be a nice person if he'd stop being such a mean spirited- projecting attack assclown on about every thread he posts on. .... nah. Maybe not. The dude has major OCD - all he can talk about is his myopic worldview on economic systems. I also suspect Asperger's or some kind of autism. I think professional counseling is in order.
  12. projection...
  13. go pound sand Go pound sand? What the hell does that mean? Discuss. Let's get back on topic. J_B is a cum-gargling left-wing nutjob fucktard. What else can we say about that waste of skin?
  14. go pound sand
  15. you mean other than the fact that half the threads are started by that fucktard, dick-gobbler j_b, who thinks this is his left-wing, political soap-box?
  16. Endorsing a genocide on the basis that the victims are Muslim (as FW did) is indisputably islamophobic. "Endorsing?" Not at all. But it's understandable that innocents are killed when Islamists stage hit-and-run attacks and then hide behind their own women and children. Placing a missile battery on top of an occupied apartment building in Beirut and then crying about its subsequent destruction by the IDF is an example that comes to mind, but Rob's sad picture is probably a product of the aforementioned tactic. Newsflash: we kill innocents too. Probably did it today. Somewhere in Northwestern Pakistan. Listen up you deepshit. What's going on in in Chechnia started back in 18th & 19th century. During 1940's entire villages were sent to Siberia or Kazakhstan. The only reason this region become muslim in the first place was to seek Ottoman Empire protection from Russian expansion in the region. So your comparison is way off base and in generally (and as usual) you are just full of shit. YEAH!! TAKE THAT "DEEPSHIT"!!!!
  17. ...jizz-gargling assclown. discuss.
  18. Please try to shut the fuck up.
  19. Yeah, I suppose one would just be a bigot, not much of a step up the social evolutionary ladder though. How does that work with Jews? I mean, it can be an ethnicity, but it can also merely be a religious choice. So disparaging Judaism is not racist, right? It isn't even anti-Semitic since one could feel quite differently about their secular friends of Jewish extraction. I recall a friend telling me that his Mom wouldn't let them tell "Pollack" jokes back when those were making the rounds, because ethnicity wasn't something that anyone had any control over. However, as a UT grad, the jokes were perfectly fine with her if they changed "Pollack," to "Aggie," since people made a conscious choice to be Aggies. Religions are systems of ideas that result in patterns of behavior. At some point, people choose to adopt religious ideas and patterns of behavior and become accountable for both. You don't really believe that religious beliefs or the behaviors that they inspire in some of their adherents renders them exempt from criticism or scrutiny, you? In the case of Judaism, however, ethnicity is often the basis for self-identification, not practicing religious belief.
  20. Nice work, Tom! I'd love to do this route someday... if I can sack up, that is.
  21. So be it then, obviously I fall far behind you in the insulting game although you still remain a mean spirited dumbass and a Fuckwit. Another quality exchange which you have initiated. Assmunch. Hey, I'm getting better at this. If it keeps up, maybe in a year I can play in your league you loathsome bleeding hemorrhoid! if you think that your inane profanities are going to prevent me from calling the games played by regressives the way I see them, you are even more naive than I thought. Get a fucking life already.
  22. My camera battery was dead so all pics are from others. :-/
  23. It's also worth remembering that besides cherry picking data you have never, ever shown that anything other than your voodoo economics and your wall street casino are responsible for the fiscal and economic crisis we are in. More vocabulary for j_b BINGO!
  24. Interesting. The Nelson-Potterfield-described approach definitely mentions some obligatory 'schwacking to go left under a cliff band before getting into the open alpine terrain.
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