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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. Great game.
  2. Oh don't just give it away, I bet I could broker some big bucks for you if you just let me negotiate a purchase price for the rights to do this! Uh, it wouldn't be me doing it though, I'm just a middleman, connecting a supply with a demand and all that... bring it!
  3. This thread makes me want to stab a fork into my head.
  4. If the bottles contain Pabst, how would anyone know the difference?
  5. Anyone been up Forbidden/Torment/Eldorado/Sahale and can comment on how much snow is on the tops of those peaks? Would Forbidden or Torment be mostly bare, half and half, or snice/verglas encrusted right now? This weather is making it hard to predict - would love some beta.
  6. Was the snow at least continuous still in the couloir, or were there any rock bands?
  7. Oh hell yes! Big time congrats on your new found freedom! If you're looking for an epic on an easy route, PM me. ;-)
  8. My friends had to leave a rope up on Guye peak's West face. I didn't mean to crosspost and just noticed their posting in the Alpine Lakes forum: http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/ubb/showflat/Number/963988/gonew/1/Rope_on_Guye_Peak_NW_Ramp#UNREAD
  9. I am really tempted to go do this ASAP. Thanks for the pics!
  11. volcano slog? LOLZ
  12. Women: can't live with 'em, pass the beer nuts.
  13. bring it
  14. in the no dogma/no ideology ark for me please. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
  16. Another tough day massaging dudes, eh?
  17. Indeed, the sale spike is linked to Beck's pushing it on his propaganda show. It must make JayB all warm inside to know that Beck's viewers, people with the average acumen of a tea pot, will read that book. ...a book you are too stupid and brain-damaged to comprehend
  18. Should be required reading for all libtards.
  19. Where's Offwhite to point out your bigotry and antisemitism? More importantly, where is El Jefe, that staunch opponent of racism?
  20. I think the point is there were a whole bunch of people (guides, clients, NPS Climbing Rangers and private parties) out on Saturday morning climbing in "blatant disreguard for the conditions". We are lucky there was only one death. How to improve on both those issues is what I am interested in. Rainier averaged around 3 deaths a year several years back. Then a few years ago there was a streak of good luck (was it luck?) with no deaths for a few years in a row. Could it be due to the good work of the previous NPS climbing ranger in charge?
  21. We can't, which is why we try to manipulate the situation to suit our best interests. Maybe Jordan needs to step up its efforts to relocate the Palestinians like they promised a half century ago? Palestinians are Jordanians
  22. This refund policy is a major reason I opted NOT to go with RMI back around 2003 when I was trying to get into climbing, and had hiked up to Muir already by myself. I figured it would be better to spend some time learning some climbing skills and gaining experience on smaller peaks so I could head up Rainier without a guide and shelling out $1000 for a one-weekend shot. (I climbed the Emmons route in 2005).
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