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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. true enough fuck 38%, put it back to bubba-level (39.6%?)
  2. ditto for ALL the tax cuts - not just the top 4%. So, roll them all back - IT'S WHAT WE WERE ALL PAYING BEFORE BUSH
  3. more "discussion"?
  4. is that what you think you do - "discuss"?
  5. you forgot to call him a regressive
  6. if they are the ass-hairs, who are the dingleberries?
  7. I always thought of them as all dick and no balls.
  8. B-HO and his cronies are running the show - if YOUR taxes go up, you should know who to blame. Fuck you, don't change the subject. We're talking about how the republicans are acting like a bunch of fucktards and are holding the middle-class hostage for the benefit of the obscenely wealthy. Admit that, and then we can move on to B-Ho. R's are raising YOUR taxes? Wow, that's interesting. You're a rich fuck and deserved to be taxed up the ass.
  9. B-HO and his cronies are running the show - if YOUR taxes go up, you should know who to blame.
  10. Regurgitating racist propaganda is racism. who the fucks care if we can't tell the difference? Dude. Dial it down. His goes up to 11.
  11. what a regressive knuckledragger! you should post that HILARIOUS .gif! That will show him! Ha hahahahahah!!!
  12. what a regressive knuckledragger!
  13. filtered for consumption by the idiocracy and regurgitated by scumbag propagandists who don't stop claiming that Obama is a Muslim lover or some such. Good job, Piss Pot. Pfft, he's probably a closet regressive too. And corporate shill
  14. You'd think anyone with half a brain would know trundling is a horrible idea, yet alone climbers.
  15. I have a Master's Degree in Communication.
  16. Do I have to google "Inceome"? I've broken it down to In CEO Me. Inceome: In-CEO-me - you have been consumed by a CEO. Eventually he will shit you out.
  17. ???? giving info/help/infrastructure to climbers of all experience and nations on a magnet mountain like Denali is unnecessary nowadays? Do you intend also to leave the bodies on the mountain or do you expect the recovery crew to go for the booty? what gibberish. a 150% increase in one year is what's gibberish, yet alone justifying it in the name of "info/help/infrastructure"
  18. j_b's kind of people
  19. You're not needed anywhere.
  20. It is a nation of whiners.
  21. These new fees are all occurring under a big-government spend-thrift administration, and they are complete BS.
  22. I'll bet Adolf was a rock-trundler too!
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